Attention; Sapnap

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IRL (sorry I'll do more mc soon)

Sapnap was currently playing minecraft while I laid behind him on his bed, he always left one headphone off his ear so he could hear me.

"Hey, babe?" I asked, I was going to order food but didn't want to get something he wouldn't like. He kept on playing as if he didn't even hear me, I swear it's impossible to get his attention when he was gaming. He's filming a video with Karl for his channel.

"Babe?" I asked again, being a bit more persistent this time. Silence. I groaned and sat my phone down on my lap, getting slightly annoyed.

"Earth to Sapnap." I repeated.

"SappyNappy, SappitusNappitus, Pandas." Still nothing, I thought for sure he would respond when I called him 'Pandas' since he always yells at Dream for calling him that.

Speak of the devil, the green man entered the room as if on cue.

"Hey, I'm ordering food what do you want?" I asked him as he sat down next to me on the bed and hovered over the phone to see the place I was ordering from.

"Pizza, you know what I like." He said and turned his attention back to watching Sapnap.

"Hey, Sapnap." Dream said, trying to get his attention.

"Good luck, I've been trying for a few minutes now, called him every nickname in the book." I groaned as I kept my attention on my phone, placing the order. I guess Sapnap would just have to deal with whatever I got him. Just then an idea popped into my head, I know Sapnap had horrible selective hearing sometimes so I decided to get his attention in the only way I knew how.

"You look really cute today, Clay." I complimented and Clay gave me a strange look, I quickly gave him the 'just go with it' face and he nodded his head.

"Thanks, you look cute every day." He complimented back, although Dream has complimented me genuinely before. Right now we were just doing it to get Sapnaps attention.

"Y/n get your ass over here and sit." Sapnap said in a low voice, finally, I thought to myself and gave Clay a thumbs up before he left the room and I walked over to him.

"Where do you want me to sit?" I asked as I stood next to him. He slid his chair away from his desk and took his hands off the keyboard.

"Lap." He instructed, I loved when he got like this, in all honesty I thought it was hot. I sat on Sapnaps lap and got comfy, my head rested against his shoulder and put my legs over the side of the chair, he scooted the chair back up to his desk and resumed what he was doing.

"Good job, Y/n, you put Sapnap in protective mode." I heard Karl say through his headset.

"Shut up, Karl, she did not." Sapnap said, trying to brush it off but I could tell he was getting jealous.

"Oh, come on now baby, I just wanted your attention and fake flirting with Clay gets it every time." I joked with him and squished his cheeks. He looked down at me and planted a big kiss on my lips which left my face a deep shade of red knowing Karl could hear this conversation.

"I get protective cause you're mine." He defended himself.

"All yours."

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