(request) Photographer; Dream

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I sat in my shared room with my boyfriend, Dream while he was downstairs trying to take pictures for Instagram. My fingers scrolled mindlessly through tik toks as I shoved another handful of chips in my mouth, turning the volume up as the crunching was overtaking the audio.

"Babe!" A muffled yell echoed into my ears and i perked my head up, exiting tik tok and listening again, just to make sure I heard him right. "Baby, I need your help!" He whined and I giggled to myself, pushing myself out of bed and cracking the door open.

"What's wrong?!" I shouted down the stairs to him. After he didn't respond I shuffled down the stairs. I was dressed in some sports shorts, one of his hoodies with fell to my mid thigh and my hair was thrown in a very...very messy bun.

"None of these pictures are turning out good," Dream complained and came over to me, handing me his phone as I leaned over the counter to take a look. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on top of mine. "You look very cute." He complimented. A smirk formed on my lips as I turned around.

He was dressed in very formal attire trying to take pictures for his new song 'Change My Clothes' and I could definitely tell he was struggling.

"Clay, I'm dressed like a slob and you're in a suit yet I'm the cute one?" I joked with him and he squeezed my cheeks with his hands, placing a sweet kiss on my lips before I shooed him away, back in front of the green backdrop.

"Mask." I stated and handed him his smiley face mask before fixing some of his hair so it wasn't going all different directions. "Do you want your hair showing or do you want it slicked back?" I asked him.

"Definitely showing, give the fans a little hair reveal." He chuckled to himself as I stood in front of him, phone in hand ready to be his little photographer. Ideas began flowing into my mind and I smiled. I positioned him in a good standing pose and snapped a couple pics.

"Kneel." I instructed, he peaked under the mask with his cheeks flushing red.

"Isn't that your job?" I swatted his arm and forced myself not to laugh.

"Clay! Kneel!" My giggle escaped my lips as I rolled my eyes and he listened. "Now rest your elbow on your knee and let your head rest on your fist." I squatted in front of him to make sure I got the best angle and took some more pictures, these were actually turning out really well.

"Alright, did we get good ones?" My boyfriend asked as he stood up, ready to take the phone from me. An idea popped into my head, a brilliant idea.

"Yes but..." I gave him a devious smile. "Let's make your fans go crazy." He gave me a questioning look and I explained my idea. I basically wanted a video of him standing then squatting down. Let's be honest here, I simp for this man just as much as his fans do and he knows it.

After I took the video I watched it on repeat and I heard his deep chuckle.

"Enjoying yourself?" He joked and i rapidly nodded my head. He scrolled through and kept the best ones, deleting the rest.

"Absolutely, send that to me.." I winked at him, turning on my heels and heading back for the stairs.

"Are you going to bed!?" He yelled to me as I was halfway up the flight of stairs.

"Yes unless you take that suit off and stop me!" As I ascended the stairs I heard him struggling to take the dress pants off and let out a laugh, loud enough for the whole house to hear.

"Coming!" Footsteps could me heard running behind me as his arms wrapped around my waist, he was now only left in his boxers and undershirt.

"Did you just speedrun getting undressed?" I asked, an eyebrows raise.

"Indeed I did, your turn."


Hope you enjoyed, I definitely could've done a better job with the request so if you want me to redo I can :)

I wrote this when I was half asleep

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