Mothers Day; Dream (pt. 3)

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as requested! <3

This one is going to be set a year later, also on Mother's Day. I thought it would be cute and a little 'full circle' moment :).

You put the last dish away and sighed, you were finally done cleaning the kitchen and felt accomplished. You glanced at the baby monitor and saw your newborn son fast asleep in his crib, a smile crept on your face and two arms snaked around your waist. Clay was careful to be gentle with you as you were still sore.

"What would you like to do today?" He asked quietly as the two of you watched the monitor in unison.

"Sapnap and Y/d/n should be home soon, I vote we watch movies and be lazy." You suggested as you spun in his arms and looked up at your loving husband. As you placed your hand on his chest you looked at your ring as it glimmered in the sunlight, it was absolutely beautiful.

"That sounds perfect." He smiled. As if on cue the front door opened revealing your best friend and daughter.

"Mommy!" She cheered as she ran into your arms, with the biggest smile on your face you scooped her up and Clay helped take her little backpack off. You groaned a little, picking things up still caused an ache but nothing too major.

"We may or may not have stopped for ice cream." Sapnap said and you giggled as you spotted chocolate on her cheeks and wiped it off with your sleeve. Before you could respond cries could be heard and you sat Y/d/n down to run upstairs to your sons room.

"Well good morning, sweet pea." You cooed and lifted him from his crib gently and placed him into your arms, you slowly took his swaddle off and returned back downstairs where Clay was already quickly making a bottle. Your son continued to cry until he was pleasantly surprised with a bottle, making his little cries disappear.

You walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch, watching as Y/s/n drank his bottle. The rest of the family soon joined as your daughter sat next to you, staring at the newborn in confusion and awe at the same time.

"I know you wanted to watch movies all day but I have a surprise for you." Clay chimed as he sat down next to you and your focus shifted to him. Sapnap joined as well, taking a seat in his recliner that you and Clay had gotten him for his birthday. Y/d/n quickly got off the couch and scurried to join him, grabbing her blanket and jumping onto the chair as well. Saying Sapnap was her favorite person was an understatement.

"What's that?" You asked your husband and he smiled. Clay placed a hand on your thigh and switched on the TV, connecting his phone.

"Me and the rest of the guys threw together a montage video of us for a Mothers Day gift." Excitement filled your body as he cued the video to play on the TV and you stared in awe as music began to play.

This next part is going to be like flashbacks of the videos :) they'll be separated by ~~~~~ so just invision it as a movie!

You threw a grape in the air, attempting to catch it but failed miserably causing Clay to laugh.

"Babe, you gotta do it like this." He laughed and threw a grape in the air, catching it in his mouth perfectly.

"Alright, smarty, catch this." You said as you propped yourself onto your knees and held a grape in your hand. Giving him almost no warning you threw the grape at him, hitting him right in the forehead. The two of you fell into a fit of laughs that soon turned into an all out grape throwing fight.


You and Y/d/n we're dancing in the kitchen to her favorite music, the Frozen sound track. Clay rounded the corner with his phone recording you two and you giggled, holding your hand out to him.

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