Scary movies

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How the boys would be during a scary movie marathon

You and Dream agreed to get over your adrenaline rush fear together, meaning a scary movie marathon. Halfway through both of you were hiding behind the blankets arguing about who's horrible idea this was.
"Ah!" He screamed as a jump scare popped on the screen, causing you to laugh from behind the blanket, "Baby."
You peaked your head out for less than a second, "AH OH MY GOD!" You shielded your eyes again from the scary part. Realizing karma caught up to you rather quickly.

Sapnap begged for a week straight to have a scary movie marathon, you finally giving in on a Friday night. Although some parts of the movie did scare him he cuddled you into his chest reminding you it was all pretend.
"It's just a movie, they can't get you." He would whisper with a playful chuckled, causing you to shove your body closer to him.
Awhile later you felt something tugging at your hair from behind the couch, you spun around and he started laughing, seeing his hand behind the couch you let out a sigh.
"Sapnap, I hate you."
"No you don't."

It was actually your idea to watch scary movies while everyone else was busy, he begged and begged for a romcom but that didn't sound appealing.
"You're being a child, it's not that scary." You joked, turning on the movie. He insisted on laying right on top of you for 'maximum safety' to which you just laughed. With every jump scare you found yourself hiding behind George while all he could do was laugh, "It's all fake." He would tell you, pulling you into him. Turns out scary movies we're your fear, not his.

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