I missed you; Dream

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This is in dreams pov btw

Y/n angrily began throwing clothes into a duffel bag as tears fell from my eyes, my head was starting to hurt from the arguing.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled in disbelief as I rushed in the room behind her.

"I'm done Clay, I-I can't do this anymore." She said to me and threw her hands in the air, only for them to return to her sides.

"You can't leave, please! I promise, it'll get better, I'm trying, Y/n, please!" I begged. She shook her head no, as if she was mentally battling with herself. She turned away from me and continued throwing things into a bag. I stood there, tears also falling from her eyes.

As much as I didn't want to admit it I knew why she was leaving, why she was at her breaking point. She's been begging me for months to spend more time with her and I've been trying. But it's hard when I have so many things going on at once, then I get overwhelmed and lock myself away. I need to fix this, I can't do this without her, she's the one holding me together.

"If you don't understand why we're over that's on you." She said to me, throwing the duffel bag over her shoulder and walking towards the front door.

"Please..just give me one more chance.." I was desperate. Her hand fell on the door handle and without looking back she twisted it, pulling the door open and exiting the house.

She was gone.

~present day~

I was currently doing an interview with WIRED, I sat in a stage chair and held a board that contained the most googled questions about me.

"Alright, Dream, let's see what the people want to know!" The interview lady said and I pulled back the first piece of paper, revealing the first google search.

"Is Dreams ex famous because of him?-" I blinked my eyes a few times to fight the tears and cleared my throat before looking at the camera.
"Y/n is not famous because of me, she was a huge streamer when we started dating and she remains the same now, post break-up!" I clapped my hands together, begging to move onto the next one.

It had been three months since we broke up, I miss her terribly. Although I do keep tabs on her, watch her videos, donate to her streams under a fake account, I wished she would just come home and we could fix things.

"Let's move onto the next one!" I chuckled a bit and began pulling back the next piece of paper.

"Why did Dream and Y/n break up?" And of course, all these questions are going to be about me and Y/n since it was so recent.

"If we're being honest here I blame the break up on myself, I didn't prioritize her and got so caught up with work and editing that I pushed her away. I'd go back in time and change it but I can't, I'd do things different. A lot different.." I trailed off and pulled myself back into reality before I got too caught up in my own mind.

We continued on with the interview, answering questions about the smp and my channel, future plans and what George and Sapnap have been up to without spoiling any details.

When the interview was over I sat and talked for a bit before saying our goodbyes and heading home. My phone buzzed as soon as I put the car in park and saw it was from Sapnap.

Don't freak out, we have a visitor.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the text but shrugged it off, assuming it was just one of Sapnaps friends. I entered the house and kicked my shoes off my feet, I heard laughing coming from the living room and went to investigate. The laugh sounded familiar.

"That's awesome!" A voice cheered..was that Y/n? My Y/n? As I rounded the corner I was met with her eyes, they instantly locked on mine and the room fell silent.

"I'll leave you guys to talk.." Sapnap awkwardly stated as he crept out of the room and to his own. I anxiously put my hands in my pockets and leaned on the wall.

"Hey.." She said, her voice threatening to crack. "I saw your live interview with wired and just came to apologize-"

"Apologize? For what?" I cut her off, extremely confused why she should be apologizing to me. In reality, I should be the one saying sorry to her. My eyes were glued to her, scared that if I looked away she would disappear. My heart was beating so hard I was scared it would fly out of my chest.

"I should've been more understanding with everything you had going on...the world doesn't revolve around me, ya know?" She stood up and looked away from me, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen. When she looked back up she had a smile at her face to see I was already staring.

"What?" She giggled.

"You're beautiful." The words slipped out of my mouth like melted butter. I didn't bother trying to correct myself, it was true, she was. "And don't apologize. The world does revolve around you, at least to me it does. I should've treated you better, I'd fix it if I had the chance."

"That's actually why I'm here.." Y/n began to say, she swallowed hard and I could tell by her body language she was nervous to say what she wanted to. "I came here to give you a second chance, if you wanted..?" I couldn't hide it anymore, I ran up to her, engulfing her petite body into a hug and picking her up off the ground. Her arms and legs instantly wrapped around me as she laughed.

"There's nothing I'd love more, Y/n. I missed you." She pulled away just enough to look at me and planted a kiss on my lips. Soft and sweet, she always tasted like strawberry.

"I love you" Kiss. "I love you." Another kiss on my cheek. "I love you." She planted the final kiss on my forehead and I smiled at her.

"I love you too, all your things are exactly where you left them." Her feet landed on the floor and she ran up the stairs like a giddy little kid, it was obvious she was happy to be back home.

As I was following her up the stairs Sapnap exited his room and smirked at me.

"Are mom and dad done fighting?" He joked and I chuckled a bit.

"Mom and dad are done fighting."

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