Dating dream team

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Little things I think would happen when dating the dream team, may do a part 2 if/when I think of more


-lots of laying around and watching tik toks, showing them back and forth and doing that exhale through your nose type laugh

-him begging for your attention/cuddles

-movie dates

-begging to teach you how to speedrun

-definitely the type to call you "my girl" or "pretty girl"

-he lets you be as lazy as you want cause he likes being lazy too

-extremely messed up sleep schedules

-loves being around you, separation anxiety to the max


-likes acting tough around his friends

-lots of napping, he's a sleepy cuddly boy

-you guys love shopping, he's addicted to online shopping

-going through fan mail together and hanging cute fan art of you two on his walls

-very protective over you

-fast food dates

-the guys fake flirting with you to get him riled up

-"princess" "darling"


-cooking streams

-him begging you to play every game with him

-he doesn't use the phrase "I love you" too often. Instead, he does little things to show his affection

-he buys your favorite snacks

-he secretly lets you paint his nails but begs you not to tell anyone

-loves vlogging with you

-definitely the type to be little spoon

-"play with my hair"

-he would call you sweet things like "idiot" and "dude" cause in George language that's how he says I care about you

-you and Dream send embarrassing pictures of him back and forth in the group chat to get him riled up

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