Gone; Dream

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Thinking about making one shot books for each of them, not sure though, opinions?

It's been months. Counting the days I've spent without him. His voice is etched in the back of my mind like it was branded there.

Another day, the same day over and over on repeat. Wake up, stream, sleep. The fans have gone crazy asking me what's wrong and if I'm okay but I ignore all the comments.


"Clay, stop! I'm fine, okay?" I begged as he looked at me with sorrow filled eyes. In all honesty, I wasn't fine. The hate I was receiving after announcing our relationship had been too much the past few weeks.

"Y/n, you've barely eaten, you're losing weight. I don't know what else to do.." His voice got soft as he gently placed a hand on my cheek, cupping my face. "I'm doing this because I love you, more than anything in the world.." I squeezed my eyes shut, begging for the tears to stop. My body was shaking. I knew what he was going to say.

"Please don't, don't do it." I pleaded with him as I felt his lips kiss my forehead in a way that if he placed too much pressure I would shatter.

"This is over, I'm breaking up with you." His voice cracked, each word he said stabbed me in the chest repeatedly. Clay grabbed his duffel bag full of the things he had at my apartment and slipped out of my grip. I couldn't form words as I reached for his arms, begging him to stay.

"Please!" I cried, he ignored me. Each time I would grab for his arm he would pull away, his face was turning red as I saw tears spill from his eyes. "Clay please!" My body became weak as we neared the door. He grabbed the door handle, twisting it and taking one final look at me. I had sunk to the ground against the wall, knees pulled up to my chest.

"I love you, take care of yourself Y/n."


That was the last time I heard his voice.

I loaded up minecraft and sipped on my iced coffee as strands of hair fell into my face which I was too lazy to put back in the bun they were once held in. My stream began and I was sure to leave my face cam off, I'm sure the fans wouldn't want to see me like this. Mascara was stained on my cheeks from the salty tears that were streaming down them last night. And this morning.

"Hey guys, today is going to be a chill stream just hopping in the smp" The words I spoke were weak. Thankfully I was still part of the smp. Nick, George and I were still close. I didn't bother reading the chat because I knew it would just be the same message repeated a million times, but I wanted to released some type of content so people knew I was alive.

"Hello!" I heard a voice chime through discord, the voice belonging to none other than Dreams best friend and roommate , Sapnap.

"Hey" My voice was bland, it would be clear to anyone I was exhausted.

"How ya doing?" He asked, I could tell he was concerned. Sapnap and George had taken on the big brother roll when Dream and I started dating. We all became inseparable. Instead of replying with words I shared my face cam with him and him only. "Geez, Y/n, you look terrible."

"Thanks for telling my live stream that." I stated as I kept working in my house. I had to rebuild since George and Quackity thought it would be funny to blow mine up.

"No, seriously Y/n, are you okay? Forget the stream for a minute." He asked again, I huffed and looked to the left in my mirror. After months I had finally actually saw myself. Dark circles under my eyes, the weight loss was more than noticeable. Every day I felt sick but only ever ate the smallest things, like crackers or eggs here and there.

"Hey chat, I'm sorry. I'm going to end, I hope you all understand." Without a second glance I ended my stream and looked at Sapnap, his face cam was now on. "What do you want, Sap?" I asked, my voice clearly annoyed. "I'm fine. Stop asking, I want everyone to stop asking me that."

"Y/n, you're sick. You need to go to the doctors." As he spoke I saw something move in the bottom of the frame, what looked like Clays head.

"Is Clay in your room?" I questioned him, a bit more harsh than I had planned.

"Yeah...he saw your live and wanted me to check on you." Sapnap admitted as Dream peaked his head into the frame. Seeing him broke my heart all over again.

"And to think, I thought maybe you just cared about me as your friend." I took a sharp, deep breath. "I'm not fucking okay, Nick, try losing the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with and tell me how you'd cope."

"Dream did what he thought was best.." Sapnap tried defending his friend.

"What would've been best was sticking by my side, not just leaving. I needed him, not for him to repeatedly say he loves me while breaking my heart." I shut my face cam off and stared at the two of them, pushing myself further into the seat I made myself comfortable. A tear fell down my cheek and I did my best to wipe it away.

"I messed up, I made the wrong choice and I'm sorry." Dreams voice flooded my ears like rain after a ten year drought. "Let me fix it."

"Maybe I don't want you to make it better." And with that I ended the call.

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