Obnoxious; Dream

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I was trying my hardest to study for my final exams, this was my last testing before college graduation and I could not wait. The only thing standing in my way was my lack of sleep and the screams of my obnoxious neighbor.

"Get back here, George!" I heard a yell through the paper thin walls.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I groaned to myself as I slammed my Economics book shut and threw it next to me on my bed. Grabbing my phone I checked the time, 1:37 am. Does this guy not sleep?

I went to my kitchen and made some iced coffee, tonight was going to be a long night. This was one of my final nights to study so I had to take advantage of it. My eyes began scanning the textbook pages again and I made flash cards to help myself remember some facts and definitions I was struggling with. I lifted my glass of coffee up and put it to my lips-

"Let's go!!!!!" I almost choked on my coffee the yell startled me so much. I coughed and my eyes began watering, I actually was scared I was going to drown in iced coffee for a moment. After regaining my composure I grew sick of the screams of my neighbor and decided to put a stop to it.

"I'm giving this guy a piece of my mind." I whispered to myself and shoved my feet into some slippers before walking into the apartment complex hallway, it was a bit chilly in the building tonight. I was wearing a plain dark green hoodie and shorts.

I trudged to my neighbors door and placed three solid knocks on the cold metal.

"Coming!" I heard his voice echo through the door and crossed my arms across my chest. My foot was tapping on the floor from annoyance, I just wanted to study.

Seconds later the door creaked open and I suddenly forgot how to speak clear English. This man was absolutely stunning, dirty blonde hair that had some curls, green eyes and the cutest scattered freckles I had ever seen.

"Hey? Need something?" He asked quietly.

"Uh, yeah-I, um-" I stuttered and he laughed at me which helped calm my nerves a bit before trying again, "I'm, uh, trying to study for my finals and I can hear you yelling at some guy named George through the walls.." I trailed off, I now felt like the one annoying him, his stance held confidence, he was tall with an average build.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that I'll keep it down, good luck on your finals..." He said, it was almost as if he was asking my name.

"Y/n." I replied and a smile appeared on his face.

"Y/n." He repeated and we said our goodbyes. Dammit, I should've gotten his name, I mentally cursed to myself as I re entered my apartment.

Although my neighbor was no longer invading my study time, he was invading my mind. When I had finally snapped out of my thoughts I was staring blankly at the wall with the tip of my pen in my mouth, which had decided to explode ink everywhere.

"Dammit!!" I screamed as the ink flavor coated my tongue, I ran to the bathroom and stuck my mouth under the faucet rinsing all the ink out, "that's so disgusting." I'll admit, I talk to myself sometimes. What can I say? Living alone is boring. After cleaning the ink mess up and throwing my now destroyed pen away I walked back to my room. The second I entered my room the power went out, great timing. Since I wasn't expecting that my toe slammed into my bed frame, sending me into a fit of screams.

"Oh my god! Ouch, ouch, what the hell!! Could tonight get any worse!?" I screamed as I held my left foot in my hands and bounced on my right. My body fell onto the floor and my head smacked on my opened door, "seriously!?" I cursed again and gave up, my body laid limp on the carpeted floor. Through the silence I heard a knock at my door, it wasn't as harsh as I was knocking earlier, more soft as if the person on the other side was concerned. I grabbed my phone, as I stood up and wobbled my way to my front door, using it as a flashlight.

"Yes?" I asked, my head now throbbing and my foot still in pain. My flashlight was pointed down so I couldn't recognize who it was at first, until I saw the sweatpants.

The obnoxious neighbor.

"Everything okay..?" He said, voice laced with concern.

"Oh yeah, just peachy. Power is out, can't study, an ink pen exploded in my mouth, stubbed my toe, smacked my head on my bedroom door. I'd say tonight is a solid ten out of ten." I complained to the stranger, "sorry, tonight isn't going to well" I was quick to apologize.

"I could help you study if you'd like?" He offered and I did my best to look through the darkness at him. This scenario is coming right out of a fanfic, there's no way I could say no.

"That would be great actually, do you have any candles or flashlights?" I asked, I didn't have any in my apartment so maybe he does.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be right back." The man said and I heard him walk back down the hallway. While he was gone I used my phone flash light to gather my books and flash cards from my bed and brought them to my coffee table. I left my front door cracked open so he could let himself in when he returned.

"Hey, I got everything I could." He said as he began setting the candles on the table and handed me a flashlight.

"Then I guess let the studying begin." I patted the seat next to me and he sat down, lighting the candles so it wasn't a black void in my apartment. 


An hour had passed and we both have up on studying. I learned that his name is Clay and he's actually a pretty big YouTuber, his fan base calls him Dream.

"So you're studying for something you're not even that passionate about anymore?" He asked, we were facing each other on the couch and he had his head rested up against his hand which was being supported by his elbow on the back of the couch.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I like it but I'd rather do something like what you do. Self employed." I explained to him and he nodded as if he understood.

"It's fun but sometimes it's a lot. There's a lot of hate in the world, none of it really gets to me though." I yawned while he was talking, I was getting quite tired as the time slowly rolled to 3 am, "tired?" He asked and I nodded.

"Very." I replied. I didn't want tonight to end, I was enjoying his company a lot.

"I can go and let you get some sleep if you'd like, or I can stay and sleep on the couch if you're scared of the dark." Clay joked and I playfully slapped his knee.

"I'm 21 years old, I'm not scared of the dark!" I defended myself and he held his hands up in defeat, "but I think a sleepover sounds fun, as long as you're ready to sleep the whole day tomorrow." I told him. I didn't have anything planned for tomorrow so I definitely was going to sleep the whole day.

"I think a sleepover sounds great." I could barely see it, a smile on his face which gave me butterflies. I told him I'd be right back and went to grab blankets and pillows from my room. My couch was very roomie so I wasn't worried about either of us not having space.

"Here ya go." I said as I threw the comforter on top of him, "but keep your feet out of my face, they probably stink." I began laughing and he snatched my pillow out of my hands, placing it right next to his.

"They don't stink! Just put your head by mine, unless you don't want to of course, then you can enjoy my perfectly clean feet." Clay defended and I took him up on his offer of keeping my pillow next to his. I climbed onto the couch next to him and we laid there in comfortable silence for a minute. His hand snaked around my waist as I faced him, I could feel his breath on the bridge of my nose.

"Is that okay? I can face the other way if you'd rather." He offered again and went to pull his hand out from around me and I quickly grabbed it, keeping it exactly where it is.

"No, it's fine there." I felt the butterflies again, in this moment I was glad the power was out because I'm sure I was as red as a tomato.

He then turned so he was on his back, arm still around me I placed my head on his chest. Both of us drifting to sleep in the darkness.

Maybe my neighbor wasn't so obnoxious after all.

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