Ordinary girl; Dream

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Today you were going on your first real date with your boyfriend of four months, Clay, also known as Dream to everyone else in the world. Your guys' relationship had been kept quite the secret, you didn't want the fans to hate on you so you had asked him to keep it on the down low, which he happily agreed with since it would make you more comfortable.

"Babe, you ready?" Clay knocked on the door to your bathroom, he was hanging around your apartment waiting for you to get ready. He cracked the door open and you smiled at him into the mirror. You finished applying your makeup and spun around.

"Now I am." You said to him, he grabbed your hand and you both walked to the front door, after putting on your shoes he opened the passenger door of his car and you got in.

"I'm going to take you to my favorite burger place and then we can go walk the beach when the sun is setting." He told you and you giggled at him.

"So cheesy and romantic, I love it." You said. During the car ride he had his hand lightly placed on your thigh and your left hand was on his shoulder while your hand played with his hair, it was a habit of yours. He claims he desperately needed a haircut but you loved it just how it was, it was getting longer so little curls were now visible.

Upon arriving at his favorite restaurant he once again opened the door for you, you got out and you two entered the building. Once you were seated you ordered your drinks and waited for the waitress to come back to ask what you would like to eat.

"I'm glad we're finally going out on a real date." He said, he didn't bother looking at the menu, he knew exactly what he was getting. His usual. You on the other hand read the entire menu and still did not know what to get.

"Me too!" You chirped as you set down the menu, deciding to try his usual meal. The waitress soon came back and he ordered for both of you.

"I'm going to have my usual and my lovely girlfriend is going to have the same, thanks Julie." He smiled politely at the waitress and handed her back the menus.

"You must be very known here." You joked with him and he nodded his head. Before he could respond a group of girls came and sat at the booth behind you, they smiled at us as they passed and took their seats.

"I am, I love this place, me and my sister used to come here all the time after school." He explained to you and you smiled while he told more stories of him and his sister. You were about to speak before you hear one of the girls whisper.

"That voice of the guy behind you sounds really familiar."

Your jaw dropped, a pit in your stomach stirring, you became nervous that Clay would be recognized. Clay caught your attention by kicking your foot under the table, making you blush.

"Clay, are you trying to play footsie with me?" You asked him innocently and a devious smile crept on his lips, cheeks flushing a light shade of pink.

"So what if I am, what are you gonna do about it, y/n?" He asked as if it was a competition. Just then one of the girls spun around which diverted your attention from your boyfriend and to her.

"I knew you sounded familiar, you're Dream from YouTube!?" She yelled, her and her friends jumped up from their booth and began swarming ours. Clay quickly excused himself from the table and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him.

"Come on, fuck! Come on!" He yelled at you as he dragged you to the car, careful not to pull you along too hard, he didn't want to hurt you he just wanted you to hurry.

"Okay, I am!" You yelled, getting slightly annoyed that your date had just gotten ruined. Once in the car he pushed your head down in case they were following you guys.

"Why are you hiding me!?" You asked, getting sick and tired of his games.

"Because! I haven't even done my face reveal yet! I knew this was a bad idea!" Clay yelled, his voice clearly annoyed. He drove out of the parking lot and towards his house he had shared with Sapnap.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?" You spat at him, clicking your seatbelt on and looking at him with your arms crossed.

"What I mean is you're just an ordinary girl! No one knows my face yet and I just got exposed, my face is going to be fucking everywhere!" His voice was now very harsh and cold.

"Take me home, this is over. We're over. This is bullshit." You said to him and his eyes went wide and he looked at you, he quickly pulled the car over onto the side of the road and went to reach for your hand, you flinched away.

"No, baby, I didn't mean it like that.." You interrupted him.

"No, if I'm just an ordinary girl then maybe you should go find a girl that matches your lifestyle a bit better. A girl with millions of subscribers, a girl that can clearly offer more than I can." Your lips pressed together, you were furious at this point. "Now, take. Me. Home." You said to him, pausing in between each word. You saw tears forming in his eyes and he sighed.

"Okay.." He gave up, he didn't know what to do and he was still calming down from his anger of being recognize. It wasn't your fault he was so upset. He realized how much what he said had hurt you, he didn't even mean it like that but he knew it was too late to explain. By ordinary girl he meant normal, out of the spotlight, a girl who can live her life with no risks. You were exactly what he wanted and needed. You pulled him out of the fame and kept his head on straight, helped him think more realistically sometimes.

Upon arriving at your apartment complex you got out of the car and looked at him.

"Goodbye, Clay..or should I call you Dream?" You said with hate filling each word.

"Y/n, I-" He started but before he could finish you slammed the door. He sat there, alone, in his car for hours thinking of things to say to fix this. A way to explain himself and his words better.

The moment you entered your apartment you sank onto the ground, dropping your purse and keys next to you and cried. You cried until no more tears would fall. You were falling in love with this man and all he saw you as was an ordinary girl.

I really like this one and am tempted to make a part two

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