When you fight

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Dream tried his best not to fight with you, but when you did he would use his logic against you. He was extremely good at being unbiased when sometimes you just wanted him to side with you, even when you were wrong.
"You're just mad because I'm right." He said to you and you rolled your eyes.
"You're always right, Dream." You said to him sarcastically.

I feel like at moments Sapnap would let his anger get the best of him, even though he wouldn't mean anything he said.
"You're being a bitch." He said and you were shocked. You stood up and walked out the room to go sit on the couch in silence.
"No, wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He said to you and instantly began being a suck up because he hates when you're mad at him.

Whenever you and George argued he would give you the silent treatment or ignore you the best he could.
"Seriously? You're just going to ignore me now?" You complained and groaned in defeat. He ignored you and kept his eyes glued on his phone.
"Mhm." He hummed as a response. He wouldn't talk to you until you calmed down and wanted to talk rationally about your feelings and how to fix the problem without arguing.

Karl absolutely dreads arguing with you, every time you fought he was scared you were going to leave and just not come back.
"Okay, you're right and I'm wrong, it's okay." He said to you and you tried not to give in. You were genuinely mad at him.
"Say it again." You joked with him.

Whenever you and Quackity would fight he would start speaking Spanish which would only infuriate you more.
"¡Estás siendo dramática sin razón!" He yelled.
"I can't understand you!" You would scream back at him in an annoyed tone of voice and slam your bedroom door shut.

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