Highschool; Sapnap

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I hate being the new girl, especially senior year, I thought to myself as I pulled open the front door of Seven Lakes high school and entered the building. I took a look around at all the foot traffic, as the first bell had just rung, and turned the corner.

I think I'm going the right way, wait, maybe it's-


I ran right into someone, how embarrassing. Both of our books went flying onto the ground as I crouched down and began picking them up.

"I'm so sorry, I have no idea where I'm going." My cheeks began to turn red from the embarrassment and he joined me in picking up all the books. Our hands touched for a moment and I cleared my throat, pulling my hand away quickly, "sorry." I said, once again apologizing.

"Don't worry about it." The stranger said and I glanced up at him, even though we were crouched he was still taller than I was. I caught myself completely lost in his eyes, he handed me the last book on the ground and I gratefully accepted it. I stood up, eyes still locked with his.

"H-hi, I'm Y/n." I introduced myself and he smiled, putting his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Nick, but everyone calls me Sapnap." Sapnap? What's a Sapnap?

"They call you that?" I joked with him and a grin crept onto Nicks face.

"Yeah, it's my in game name, plus, I hate being called Nick. Are you new?" He politely asked and I nodded my head yes, "What's your first class? I can walk you there?" He offered and I smiled.

"Room 471 with Smith." I told him and he pointed in the opposite direction of where I was going.

"That's gonna be this way, come on." He began walking and I followed right next to him. Every once in awhile our shoulders would graze against each other, each time earning a quick "sorry" from one of us followed by a laugh. We had small talk on the way there, I found myself enjoying the sound of his voice a little too much. Sapnap stopped in front of room 471.

"This is your stop, if you want I can meet you back here when the bell rings and take you to your classes? Just until you learn where the classes are?" Sapnap offered and I nodded my head.

"That would be great, thank you." We said our goodbyes and I entered my class, I didn't learn much as I was distracted by the thoughts of a boy I had just met.

*one week later*

I exited the doorway of room 398 to be met by Sapnap, I giggled at him because he was making a funny face and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Ya know, I know where I'm going now you don't have to walk me to every class.." I admitted to him and he shrugged, his cheeks turning red.

"Well maybe I just like walking you to class, ever think of that?" He asked me in a defensive way, he was obviously being playful. He grabbed my books out of my hand and carried them for me, he usually does this every day, I learned quickly not to fight him on it because he is very stubborn.

"It's appreciated, I enjoy your company." I admitted to him and instantly regretted it, I didn't want him to think I was weird for falling for him so quickly. But to my surprise he didn't react how I had thought he would, but instead, the exact opposite.

"I enjoy your company too, see you after chemistry?" He asked as we came up to my last class of the day.

"See you then." I waved at him and disappeared into the classroom.

*another week later*

Another week had passed and Sapnap still walked me to every class, but today was different. As we walked our hands would graze each other's, neither of us saying anything this time, no apologies to be had. I felt his pinky finger lightly grip onto mine and was taken by surprised, I looked at our hands, then back at him.

"Ya know, if you wanna hold my hand just ask." I joked with him and his face turned red.

"I-um-yeah, actually. Can I hold your hand?" Sapnap asked in his sweet little voice. I smiled at him and locked our hands together.

"Of course you can."

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