Fifteen; Dream

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this will probably be a 2-3 part little series, the idea fit Dream the best in my opinion so enjoy! :)


Today I'm going on my first real date, and he has a car! I was still four months away from turning sixteen and getting my license so it was exciting to be in a car without my parents. As I was checking myself over making sure everything was perfect my phone went off.

I'm here.

I grabbed my purse and ran out of my room, down the stairs and into my parents room. They were watching some old movies and having a little date night of their own.

"Tyler's here, I'll be home after the movie, don't wait up." I said to them both and hugged my mother before going to leave.

"He's not going to come to the door?" My dad asked, I groaned and slowed my pace, turning back towards them.

"It's not 1970 anymore, dad, we don't do that." He held his hands up in front of him and I rolled my eyes, "a true gentleman comes to the door with flowers, holds every door open he can and never ever walks on the inside when on the sidewalk, remember that." Not wanting this to turn into a lecture or keep Tyler waiting I gave him a thumbs up and was out the door.

Tyler was waiting for me in the front seat of his car.

A true gentleman comes to the door with flowers.

I gave him a smile as I walked over and got in the passenger seat, shutting the door behind me.

"So how was your day?" I asked, attempting to make small talk. This was my first date so I had no idea what I was doing or what to say.

"Good, algebra sucked, Mr. Walters gave me an F on the test for being on my phone." Tyler complained and I sympathize with him.

"I'm sorry, maybe you'll pass the next one. I can help you study if you need some help." I offered and he gave me a quick glance with a smirk on his face and turned his attention back to the road ahead.

"Yeah, definitely, maybe I can come over some time for a study date." The tone in his voice was very flirty.

"That would be so cute!" I chirped. The rest of the ride was mostly silent with small talk here and there. We would steal glances at each other and I found him looking at me while I was fixated on the buildings we were passing. When we arrived we had to park a little ways down the road since it was so crowded, he parked on the side of the road and got out. Waiting for me at the front of the car. I opened the car door myself, joining him on the sidewalk. He interlaced his fingers with mine as we walked, I looked to the left to see I was on the outside. My mind falling to my dads words.

He never ever walks on the inside when on the sidewalk

There's no way I was actually listening to my dads advice right now, right? I ignored my thoughts, tonight was going to be a good night with a great guy. Tyler was the quarterback on the football team, and not to mention, super hot. Practically every girl in our grade was falling for him and he asked me on a date. We arrived at the front door of the theater and Tyler walked in first, letting the door fall almost closed in front of my before I grabbed it, propping it back open for myself.

He holds every door open he can.

Tyler paid for our tickets and we made our way down the aisle, picking seats right in the middle of the theater. It's the best place to sit, no question. The movie started and Tyler's hand soon rejoined mine as our fingers held onto each other's, almost relaxing into the touch.

*after the movie*

"That was such a good movie!" I cheered as we walked through the lobby, which was extremely crowded.

"It was." Tyler said as we walked, I let go of his hand and stopped, he looked at me in confusion.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He nodded his head.

"Alright, I'll be in the car." I won't lie, it did kind of annoy me that he wouldn't wait up for me for a few minutes but it is what it is.

After using the bathroom I came back to the lobby and went to push the door open for myself when someone stopped me.

"Let me get that for you." A boy said, his dirty blond hair threatening to cover his green eyes. I felt my entire body freeze for a moment, as if I was locked in a trance. He had these sweet freckles that peppered his face in the most perfect way and I smiled.

"Thank you." I looked down for a moment, my shyness taking over as he held the door open for me waiting for me to come through. My feet carried me into the cool night air and I looked back up at him.

"Are you alone? I can walk you to your car if you'd like?" There was something about him that made my stomach do front flips. And I won't lie, I liked it.

"Um, no, I'm actually on a date but he's waiting for me in the car. I'm sure he won't mind if you walk with me." I explained to the mystery boy and he nodded, walking with me down the sidewalk, him on the outside.

"I'm Clay, by the way." He introduced himself. Our stride was slow, not rushed, like we were both enjoying walking together.

"Y/n." I told him as my feet dragged on the cement a bit. Was it wrong of me to be enjoying his company when I was on a date with Tyler? Surely not, me and Tyler are on our first date and we're not even official. As we neared Tyler's car I saw him with a hint of jealousy on his face.

"This is me, it was nice meeting you, Clay."

"You too, Y/n. Be safe." And with that my mystery boy was gone. I let myself in the car and Tyler turned the radio down a bit.

"Why we're you talking to Clay?" My eyes widened in shock, they knew each other? Well doesn't that just make the situation so much better. Please note my sarcasm.

"He offered to walk me to the car, it's no big deal." I shrugged it off, I could tell Tyler was bothered by this but why should I care? Maybe he should've waited for me and been the one to walk with me.

"He's literally the biggest nerd at school, he plays minecraft all the time, he thinks he's gonna be some big shot one day," He complained and I lightly smacked his arm, indicating he should stop talking. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, I'll make it up to you." Much better, I thought to myself as we both buckled up and headed for home.

Once we got to my house I reached for the door handle and Tyler stopped me.

"Tonight was fun, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I was taken back, I didn't expect him to actually ask me to be official. I felt my cheeks get warm and I smiled.

"Of course."

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