Crash; Karl

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mentions of blood, car accident
felt like writing this before i go to work

Karl was driving us down the interstate, on our way back home after a night out with some friends.

"You can sleep if you'd like, we'll be home in about twenty minutes." He said to me as his hand found its way to my thigh for comfort and reassurance. I was getting pretty tired so I let my eyelids get heavy and drift to sleep.

What felt like seconds later I felt us come to an abruptly halt, making the darkness take over again.


"I found a pulse! Get her on the gurney!" An unfamiliar voice yelled as I tried to open my eyes. Everything was fuzzy as I scanned the area. My throat felt constricted as I couldn't get any words to come out. My hands flew around in fear, reaching at my neck.

"Ma'am, you were in a car crash. That has to stay on your neck for stability." The man said to me as I laid still, unable to move, I was absolutely frozen in fear.

"K-Karl." I choked out as I felt my forehead, looking at my fingers to reveal blood.

"Say that again, ma'am." The man said to me, he had a white collared shirt on along with black pants, a walkie talkie was hooked to his shirt. There was too much going on, sirens, shouting, screams of pain.

"My b-boyfriend." I said again, although it took me a couple minutes to speak properly. My head was pounding as I tried to look around again, an immense sigh of relief when I saw Karl running to me, a blanket around his shoulders.

"She wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she was asleep. Y/n! Baby, it's going to be okay." Karl spoke softly to me and tears fell from my eyes. His hand gripped mine as my eyes threatened to close again, my body began shaking as the EMT pushed Karl out of the way, the inevitable darkness taking over once more.


My eyes were still closed as I began hearing beeping and soft voices surrounding me.

"She's lucky to be alive, as are you. She suffered a broken right leg, fractured right elbow, we managed to get the brain bleeds under control that caused the seizure." A woman said. I was confused as to where I was, nothing felt familiar to me. I forced my eyes open and saw Karl talking to what I could only guess to be the doctor or nurse.

"Thank you." My boyfriends voice rang through my ears and a sense of panic washed through me. Tears fell from my eyes as I tried making any noise I could muster and he quickly took notice of my panic.

"Shh, it's okay, Y/n I'm here, right here." He rushed to my left side and grabbed my hand, which had an IV hooked to it. I could feel something in my nose and tried pulling it away from me but Karl stopped me, "you gotta keep that in, it's your oxygen." He helped me position it correctly.

"What h-happened?" My voice was hoarse, he grabbed a cup that was next to my bed and helped me take a sip of water before he continued.

"After you fell asleep a car coming the opposite way flew over the barrier, there was nothing I could do. It all happened so fast, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I saw a tear fall from his eye and slowly lifted my hand to his cheek, catching it and wiping it away.

"It's not your fault, I need something for this headache, everything hurts." I complained and tried moving around, the brace on my neck making my head stable in one position.

"I'll get the nurse." He disappeared for a moment before returning, the nurse came in and switched my IV, giving me something for pain. She checked on me, flashlight right in my eyes.

"Follow the light." She said softly and I tried my best but it was too bright. My eyes looked away as I groaned in pain.

"It's okay, we can try again later." The nurse left the room and I tried my best to sit up but failed due to quite literally everything throbbing in pain. I looked down and saw a cast on my right leg, all the way to my mid thigh.

"Your right leg got completely shattered in the crash." My boyfriend explained as more tears fell, he was a mess and so was I.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, not caring about myself right now.

"My seatbelt saved me..I have marks on my chest from it, the car hit your side.." I studied his face, I could see red marks peaking through the top of his crew neck and saw bruising on his face after having a closer look. My pain meds instantly started to work and my body relaxed.

"My arm is fucked." I groaned as I tried moving my right arm around but was halted when pain shot through my entire upper half.

"Fractured elbow, good thing you're a lefty." He tried lightening the mood and I let out a small chuckle, not being able to manage much more.

"I wanna go home." I felt my chest get tight as panic washed over me again, I was reliving the moment in my head and couldn't stop it. The sounds, the screams, the red and blue flashing lights and being surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

"I know, darling. We have to stay here until you're good enough to go home but I'm not going anywhere. Sapnap and Dream are on their way here with clothes for us so I don't have to leave your side." He assured me and lightly placed his hand on my cheek as my tears fell onto his hands.


The boys soon arrived and greeted Karl as I laid helpless in the bed, wishing I could get up to hug them both.

"You look rough, mamas." Sapnap said to me and came to the other side of my bed so he was on my functioning side.

"Tell me about it, almost feels like I got hit by a car or something." They all laughed at my joke, I dealt with trauma through joking and they all knew that.

"At least you didn't lose your humor." Dream said to me and sat the bag of clothes down before coming over to me and squeezing my hand. Dream and Karl quickly switched places so he could be next to me. The boys took a seat in the chairs at the end of my hospital bed and we sat in comfortable silence for a moment.

"I love you, I'm so glad you're okay." Karl said to me as his head laid next to my leg and I played with his fluffy hair.

"I love you too, it could've been a lot worse".

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