Zombie apocalypse

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So I'm currently and suddenly obsessed with the walking dead again? Not sure when that happened? I haven't watched that show in forever. Also, if anyone knows of any good Carl grimes stories with a HAPPY ending, send them my way. I can't handle sad endings, I get too attached to fictional characters and it will send me into a depression :(

What I think the guys would be like if the zombie apocalypse happened:

Dream would instinctively take on the roll as leader, much like Rick from The Walking Dead, always keeping a level head and making the safest decisions for the group.

Although he would let you go on small supply runs by yourself he would never let you out of his sight at night, often telling you to stay back with the others.

If the group was attacked he would keep you behind him the entire time, not wanting you to get hurt.

Sapnap would be Dreams right hand man, the Daryl of the group, acting as leader if he was off on a supply run. Unlike Dream, Sapnap doesn't let you out of his sight...ever. Even when you go to the bathroom he would stand watch.

Sapnap knows you can hold your own but if the group was invaded by a horde or another group his eyes would always be on you, he would need to know where you are at all times.

George would be the groups supply runner, I imagine him being a lot like Glenn from The Walking Dead. The apocalypse would change him and he'd have some serious development.

He would let you do what you had to do for the group, going off on runs with him, taking charge when needed. If something were to ever happen you'd be right next to him, hips practically touching.


So...a long time ago I started an account based off The Walking Dead. I have a Carl Grimes one shot book along with a preference book. It surprisingly has like 45k reads. So, if I were to find a way into that account again and start uploading is anyone a fan? Would you follow and read?

Of course I'd never stop uploading on this account, I love the Dream Team too much to do that, but I also don't want to combine the two. Just in case people aren't fans of both. But, if enough people want me to and I can't get into my old account I could always make a new book.

I want to write about things that make me happy and also make you, the readers, happy as well. Please let me know :)

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