How they protect your cup.

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"Hey, I'll be right back can you hold my drink?"

Knows you're worried about someone putting something in your drink so he holds your cup with his hand over it. Leaning onto the counter he keeps your drink covered and continues the conversation he was previously having.

"Thanks for watching my drink!" You thanked him, grabbing it from his hand. He smiled at you and gives you a reassuring nod.


"I'm not your table!" George joked but you gave him a more serious look.

"Yeah, George, that's kind of the point." Once he realized why you didn't want to set your cup on a random table he happily accepted it into his hands. He subconsciously held the drink to his chest with one hand covering it, spacing out from his conversation a bit so he didn't forget he was holding it.

"I'm back!" You cheered, grabbing your cup which was in a tight hold from his hands.

"Here ya go!"

Sapnap was used to holding your cups at parties you two went to, always took it serious. Although he is one to joke with you a lot he knows when not to take things lightly. With one hand covering your cup he held the drink to his side, moving it away when anyone would pass him.

"Thanks!" You said, announcing you were back. Eyeing your cup you realized some of it had been drank.

"I wanted to try it!" He said, giving you the puppy dog eyes.

Karl grabbed your cup from you and smelled it, scrunching his nose.

"This smells disgusting." Despite his playful jokes with you he held the cup protectively, covering the top with the bottom of his shirt. He dumped the rest of his drink out just to focus on holding and protecting your cup. He continued his conversation when you left, only for you to return a few minutes later confused as to where he put your drink.

"I hid it in my shirt!" He said excitedly, feeling like an absolute genius.

"You're such a dork."

Quackity took your drink from you no questions asked. While you were gone he had the bright idea that you couldn't be worried about a drink if there was no drink to be worried about. When you turned the corner, out of eyesight, he drank the rest of it. When you returned you searched him for the cup, disappointed when he didn't have it.

"Where's my drink?" You asked.

"I might've drank it."

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