My boys; George

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You and George had decided to fly from the UK to Florida to celebrate your sons fourth birthday with the Dream Team. Your son came running in the room with a box wrapped with 'Happy Birthday' wrapping paper around it.

"Mom! Mom! Can I open it?" He asked excitedly, his black hair falling in front of his eyes, he quickly pushed it out of the way.

"Oh boy, you need a haircut you're starting to look like your father but yes you can open it." You told your son and looked to George who was smiling at your comment.

"Who's it from?" Dream asked excitedly, you knew it must be from him since he's hyping it up.

"Uncle Clay!" The young boy said excitedly and ran towards him, he hopped into his lap and Dream held onto him, making sure he didn't fall.

"Watch it's gonna be Dream merch." Sapnap joked and you all erupted in laughter.

"Tickets to Disney." George continued with the joke and your son had opened the box, revealing a nerf gun.

"Oh no.." You sighed and covered your eyes, "you did not!" You yelled at Clay and smacked him in the arm.

"But wait! There's more!" Sapnap yelled and ran to his room, returning with a bunch of unwrapped nerf guns and handed one to all of us.

"Prepare for war!" He yelled and handed everyone a nerf gun and a bag of foam bullets and you quickly bolted out of the room and to the kitchen, hiding under the table. You saw Dream run into the living room and some yelling from upstairs. While hiding you saw little feet walk onto the tile, knowing it was your son you shot at the ground in front of him. He bent down and you quickly ushered for him to come hide with you.

"Now we gotta be quiet, when we see daddy we gotta get him, okay?" You asked, your son looked up at you and smiled. It was always you and him against George, he was a mamas boy for sure.

"Sh, sh, here he comes." You whispered when you heard George talking to Sapnap as they walked down the stairs. Once you saw his feet enter the room you helped your son aim the nerf gun and shoot at his legs, making George gasp in surprise as he bend over to look at the two of you giggling under the table.

"I'm gonna get you guys!" He yelled and you frantically helped your son up and ran behind him and dodged George as you ran up the stairs. Soon enough you heard all the guys coming up the stairs. To your surprise your son had quickly changed teams as he ran into Georges arms, what a little traitor.

"Get her, buddy!" He yelled as nerf gun bullets came flying up the stairs after you. You laid on the carpeted ground in defeat as your son plopped down right on top of you.

"I surrender!" You yelled, holding your arms up, you were out of breath.

"We won, we won!" Your son cheered.

George picked your son up and laid on top of you, which only made all the guys fall on you in a dog pile.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are crushing me." You groaned as you struggled a bit to take a deep breath.

"All out of love." George said to you as he placed a quick kiss on your lips.

"Daddy just gave you cooties." Your son said and everyone burst into laughter. After a moment the guys got off you and George helped you up.

"We're kid napping your son to speed run." Sapnap said as he picked him up and disappeared into the gaming room.

"Have some alone time." Clay added and went into the same room, closing the door once again leaving you and George alone in the hallway.

"Haven't had that in awhile." George said with a smirk on his face as he picked you up off the ground, you wrapped your legs around him and began laughing as he peppered your cheeks with quick kisses. 

"I love you so much." You said to him as you pulled away so you could look at him.

"I love you too, I love our little family."

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