Chapter 3: All Hell Breaks Loose

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Hope's POV:

The first few minutes of the fly were stressful, waiting for someone to pop out at us and kill one of us. It's nerve wracking. My grip on my broom is deadly. I'm surprised my werewolf strength hasn't broken it yet. Flying used to be my happy place.

I flew to relieve stress and now I'm flying for my life. Not even five minutes in, all hell breaks loose as the Death Eaters appear. Instantly I let go of the broom with one hand, steadying it with the other. I need a hand to deflect the spells that will inevitably be thrown towards us.

Everyone is split up now, leaving me with Harry and Hagrid alone. There are so many Death Eaters that I can't even keep track anymore. One flies straight towards us. A green jet shoots straight for Harry. I fly between them. "Reboundus!"

The spell rebounds and hits the Death Eater, sending them tumbling through the sky, dead. No holding back. They want to fight to kill, I'll fight to kill. I'm just way better at it than they could ever know. Another flies at us. "Tenebris lapsus."

The Death Eater cries out in pain and falls towards the ground at an alarming rate, but I don't let that stop me as I continue to keep up with Harry and Hagrid. "Hope, Hagrid, we have to help the others!" Harry yells. "Our job is to get you there. They can handle themselves." I tell him.

"She's right. Mad-Eye's orders. Hope, be ready to speed up." "Got it." I say. He then hits a button on his bike. Jets of fire spew from the back and they are propelled forward. I race after them, catching up quickly. We have three Death Eaters on our tail. Well, not for long.

Hagrid lands in the middle of an intersection, drive it like a normal bike. The Death Eaters are close now. "Stupify!" Harry yells, stunning one of them. I raise a hand to another. "Fluctus inpulsa." The Death Eater is thrown back by a shockwave and is hit by an oncoming bus.

There's still one as we enter a tunnel. He blows up a trailer and Hagrid swerves into another lane. The wrong lane. "Hang on Harry." Hagrid tells him. They are then on the ceiling, Harry falling out of the side car and running on top of a roof.

When they're back on the ground Harry falls back into it. Suddenly Hagrid is hit with a stunning spell. I sigh. Time to step up. I leap off my broom, simultaneously teleporting my broom back to the burrow and land on the back of the motorbike.

I place a hand on Hagrid's shoulder and with much effort, teleport him as well. "Hagrid!" Harry yells. "He's fine. I sent him to the Burrow." I say, climbing on and driving the bike, still invisible for Harry's Protection.

If any of the Death Eaters saw me, that would be an automatic give away that this is the real Harry and that this is the one Voldemort should attack. "Can you drive this thing?" Harry asks. "We'll see." I mutter, stepping on it, powering the bike to go faster.

Once we're out of the tunnel I flip a switch and soon we're flying again. I let out a breath as I push the bike the go faster, seeping a bit of my own magical energy into it to give it more speed. There's still one Death Eater.

We're flying higher and higher when I see a familiar white bird flying towards us. Hedwig. The bird flies straight at the Death Eater, blinding it. I see the Death Eater raising his wand to the owl. "NO!" I scream, not caring who hear.

I lift a hand and as soon as the jet of green light hits the bird, it bounces off, hitting the Death Eater and sending him flying. Hedwif flies up to us. "Go to the Burrow." Harry tells her, obviously shaken up from almost seeing his bird die. Hedwig takes off into the night once more.

"Well, that was our give away." I mutter. "Invisque saeclum." I mutter, becoming visible. Suddenly Harry screams in pain. "Harry? What's wrong?" I ask, but I already know the answer. "He's coming." He grunts in pain. I sigh, gritting my teeth. "Ok." I breath.

I hit the button Hagrid did, shooting us forward at a quick rate. Then I see him. The black smokey figure of Voldemort. Another Death Eater appears on my side. Harry is almost passed out from pain. "Sorry." I breath." I slap him. Hard. "Ah!" "He's here." I remind him.

He nods and gets his wand ready. The two wands connect streams. Red and green combined. I can do nothing but drive and take out the Death Eater with Voldemort. "Fumée chaleur vicieux enfermé les vitres la bas." I shove my hand forward, enveloping the Death Eater in flames.

That's when I hear the shattering of a wand. I whip around to see Voldemort's wand shattering when he loses the fight against Harry. I turn my free hand towards him. "Sispann la agresè." Voldemort lets out an angry scream as he crashes to earth.

I would do something more than make Voldemort crash to the ground, but I'm already weakened from putting magical energy into the bike to make it go faster and all the other spells I've used tonight. Plus, teleporting things and people other than yourself is difficult.

Finally we reach the barrier hiding the Burrow. We pass through it, but we're going down. The bike has been through a lot and I can no longer stop it. "Hold on!" I yell. Once we get close enough to the ground I grab tightly onto Harry and rip us both from the bike.

It crashes and we're sent into a free fall. "Hope!" Harry yells, gripping onto me just as tight as I'm holding him. "Casso tor!" We hover a few inches from the ground before falling straight into a puddle. I groan and roll over, breathing heavily.

I sit up and look at Harry who is already looking around. "You ok?" I ask. Instead of answeringI pulls me into a passionate kiss. I can practically feel everything he's feeling as he kisses me with everything in him so I reciprocate with just as much passion.

Finally we pull away, breathing heavily. "You're brilliant you are." He says. I smile. I genuinely smile. "Are you just now realizing this." He chuckles and we stand, eying the Burrow in the distance. "Come on, they'll be waiting for us."

He nods and together we walk hand in hand towards the house.

Hope Mikaelson Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now