Chapter 12: Norbert

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Hope's POV:

A few weeks after the whole mirror incident everyone is back from break. Hermione has been talking my ear off about all the things she did with her parents. I smile and listen to her going on and on. I'm happy for her. She's able to have a normal holiday with her family. She deserves it.

Anyways right now we are in the Great Hall studying when for final exams when Hermione pulls me out of it with her beration of Ron and his study habits. "Honestly, playing with your cards when we have final exams coming up." She quips. "I'm ready, ask me any question." Ron says. 

I hold back a laugh. He won't know a thing she's asking. "Ok, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?" She asks. "Uh, I forgot." He says. "And what were you planning to do if that came up on the exam?" I ask. "Just coping off of one of you two." He says. 

"No you won't. Besides, I heard from McGonagall that we are to be given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell." Hermione explains. "That's insulting, it's as if they don't trust us. Dumbledore again." Ron says, throwing his cards down on the table. 

I suddenly hear laughter. I look up to see Neville hobbling in. "Leg-locker curse." Ron says. "Malfoy now doubt." I say, rolling my eyes. They nod in agreement. "You have go too start standing up to people Neville." Ron tells him as he stops beside us. 

"How? I can barely stand at all." He replies. Seamus Finnegan, the most explosive, quite literally, person here at this school stand up, wand ready. "I know the counter curse." He says. "That's all I need, is for you to set my bloody knee caps on fire." Neville snips. 

"I don't appreciate the insinuation Longbottom, besides, if any of you cared to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back." He says, angrily. Then he turns around and shows the bald spot on his head. We all hold back laughter. 

"I found him." Harry says, handing Ron the chocolate frog card in his hadn't. "Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard, Grindelwald in 1945..." Ron trails. "Go on." Harry urges. 

"For his discovery of the twelve uses of dragon blood and his work in alchemy with his partner Nicholas Flamel." Ron ready off. Hermione's eyes widen. "I knew that name sounded familiar, I read it on the train that day." Harry explains as Hermione gathers her things. 

"Follow me." She instructs. We nod, gathering our own things and following her, but I stay behind for a second. "Sorry Neville, almost forgot." I say, pulling out my white oak wand. I mutter the counter curse and Neville's legs unglue. "Thanks Hope." He says. 

I nod and follow my friends out and towards the library. Harry, Ron, and I have a seat while Hermione goes to get the book she found. When she does I spot the enormous book. "I had you looking in the wrong section, how could I be so stupid." She says. 

She slams the book down on the table, scaring Ron and Harry just a little bit. "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading." Hermione explains. "You call this light?" Ron asks. Hermione just glares at him while she continues to flip through the pages. 

"Of course. Here it is. Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone." She explains. "The what?" Harry and Ron ask. "Honestly, don't you two read?" She asks them. They just shrug it off. 

"The Sorcerer's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal." She reads. "Immortal?" Ron asks. "It means you'll never die." Hermione explains. 

"I know what it means." Ron snaps. "Shh!" Harry shushes. "But why would Snape want to be immortal?" I ask. She just shrugs and continues reading. "The only stone in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who recently celebrated his 665th birthday." She says.

I hold back a laugh. My dad's family are way over a thousand years old. This Flamel guy has nothing on my grandmother's immortality spell. "That's what Fluffy's guarding, that's what's under the trap door. The Sorcerer's Stone." Hermione says. 

"We need to talk to Hagrid about this." I tell the three. They nod and we hurriedly get up and exit the library. Later that night the four of us pile under the invisibility cloak and head off to Hagrid's. When we knock on his door he opens up with an apron on. 

"Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm am not fit for company today." He says, going shut the door. "We know about the Sorcerer's Stone." We chorus. The door swings open again. "Oh." He says, letting us inside. We all quickly pile in and close the door behind us. 

"We think Snape is trying to steal it." Harry explains. "Snape? You aren't still on about him are ya?" He asks us. "Hagrid, we know he's after the stone, we just don't know why." Harry says. "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone. He's not about to steal it." Hagrid informs. 

"What?" I ask, utterly confused. "Right, you heard me. Now, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment." Hagrid says. "Wait, one of the teacher?" Harry asks. "Of course. There are other things defending the stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantment." Hermione says. 

"That's right. Waste of bloody time if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get passed Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, except for me and Dumbledore. I should not have told you that, I should not have told you that." He retracts. Suddenly there is a tapping sound from the fire place kettle. 

Hagrid reacher in quickly and pulls back an egg. He sets it on his table and we all gather around. "Uh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry asks. "That? It's um, it's um-" "I know what that is. But Hagrid, how did you get one?" Ron asks. 

"I won it off a stranger I met down in the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it a matter of fact." He says. Suddenly the egg starts shaking and we all take this time to back up slightly. Suddenly the egg bursts open and a dragon climbs out. My eyes widen. I've never seen a dragon before. 

They don't exist in my world. "Is that a dragon?" Hermione asks. "That's not just any dragon, that's a Norwegian Ridgeback, my brother Charlie works with them in Romania." Ron informs. "Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hello Norbert." Hagrid says. 

He gently pets the creature. "Norbert?" I ask. "Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?" Hagrid asks. As Hagrid continues to pet and coo at him Norbert hick ups fire onto Hagrid's beard which the man quickly puts out. "Well, he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course. Who's that?"

We all look in the direction Hagrid is facing. We look just in time to see Malfoy run off. I groan a little. "Malfoy." I mutter. "Oh dear." Hagrid says. "With that we bid our goodbyes to our friend and head back up towards the school. 

"Hagrid has always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time I ever even met him." Harry explains. "It's crazy, and worse, Malfoy knows." Ron says. "Is that bad?" Hermione asks. "It's bad." Ron says. We all halt as we come face to face with Professor McGonagall. "Good evening."

We all silently follow the professor into her classroom. Malfoy is smirking all the way. This is not good. 

Hope Mikaelson Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now