Chapter 16: Back to the Weasley's

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Hope's POV:

"When will Hope wake up Professor?" I hear Harry ask. "Any moment now Mr. Potter. I should be leaving, you two need to discuss what you learned in that room." With that I hear footsteps leaving the place I am in. 

I slowly open my eyes to see that I am in the Hospital Wing in a bed right next to Harry's. "What happened?" I ask in horse voice since it was sore from lack of use. "What do you remember?" Harry asks. "Voldemort's ghost." I mutter. 

"Well after we both passed out apparently Dumbledore showed up and hauled us to the Hospital Wing for treatment and we've been here ever since. it's actually the last day at Hogwarts." He tells me. "Really? We missed that much?" I ask. 

"Yeah, and if you're feeling up to it we can go to the closing feast tonight. Ron and Hermione will be there." He explains. "Awesome." Then I notice the giant arrangement of goodies at the end of my bed. "What are all these?" I ask. "Admirers." He says. 

"What? How many people know about what happened down there?" I ask him. "Everyone, don't worry, they don't know about you, but I wanted to ask you about that." He says. "Ok, shoot." I say. "Why didn't you tell me about being a sine witch? What even is a sine witch?" He asks me. 

"Right, so basically, I can do wandless magic. 'Sine' in Latin is 'without' you are an 'apud' wizard which means 'with' in Latin. Basically my entire family on my dad's side has sine witches which means if I master that magic, I can have an enormous amount of power." 

He nods for me to continue. "It's a rarity for there to be a sine witch so Dumbledore told me to keep it a secret so only him, Mrs. Weasley, and Hermione know. She only knows cause of the troll incident. I cast a spell and she caught on." I say. 

"I understand why you kept this from me, and thank you for trusting me. You might even want to tell Ron, it's best for the friendship I think." He says. I nod. "I will." "Good. How are you feeling?" He asks me. "Good. When do you think Promfrey will let me out of here?" I ask him. 

"Whenever you feel up to it Miss Mikaelson." A shrill voice calls. Madam Pomfrey strides over to us. "You feeling better dear?" She asks. "Yes, much better." "Well then you are free to go. You may want to hurry, the feast only starts in one hour." She tells us. 

Nodding, Harry and I race to the changing rooms to change into our robes that have been left for us. Once we are dressed we head down the corridor to find Hermione and Ron waiting for us on a platform above. "Ron, are you alright?" I ask. "I'm alright." "Hermione?" Harry asks. 

"Never better." With that the two of them come down and give us hugs before the four of us head down to the feast together. We are greeted by many people before we sit down and are thankfully left alone while we eat. 

Once the desserts have been finished Dumbledore hits his spoon on his glass. Everyone quiets down and turns to face the head table. "Another year gone. And, as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding." He says. I lower my head, we defiantly lost. 

"In fourth place, Gryffindor with 252 points. In third place, Hufflepuff with with 352 points. In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points. And finally in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin." Everyone at the Slytherin table erupts in applause while I just roll my eyes with everyone else.

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done. But, recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute points to award." He says. Murmurs erupt throughout the tables. What last minute points?

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril, fifty points." He says. All the Gryffindors applaud loudly for her. "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley. For the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has ever seen, fifty points." He says. 

We all clap again. "To Miss Hope Mikaelson." My eyes widen at my name. "For unwavering friendship and bravery as well as knowing what skills were needed at the appropriate time, sixty points." He says. My eyes widen. Sixty?! Harry wraps his arm around me and side hugs me. 

"Congratulations Hope, you deserve it." He whispers in my ear. "And fourth, to Mr. Harry Potter. For pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house, sixty points." He says. Harry keeps his arm around me, but this time I'm the one to squeeze him into a hug. 

I do a little math in my head. "We're tied with Slytherin." I whisper excitedly to the others. "And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points to Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore announces.

We all cheer and I let go of Harry and turn to the blushing boy beside me, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He turns even more red and people around us start to giggle while Harry wraps his arm around me once more, pulling me to his side. 

"Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe a change in scenery is in order." Dumbledore says, clapping his hands together before spreading them. The banners turn from Slytherin emerald to Gryffindor ruby. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup." He announces. 

We all cheer ecstatically, standing up and hugging one another. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff stand as well and we al throw our hats into he air. I pull Harry into a proper hug now, holding on tightly. "We did it!" I cheer. "We did, didn't we?" He says. 

I just grin before pulling away and celebrating with my fellow housemates. That night there was a party in the Common Room before lights out. In the morning we all clear out, headed for Hogsmead station. 

Once everything is on the train Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I go to get on the train, but Harry stops. "Come on Harry." Hermione says. "Just one second." He says. "Everything alright?" I ask. "Yeah, go find a compartment, I'll be right there." He says. 

I nod and lead the others to an empty compartment. A few minutes later Harry joins us and the train leaves the station. It felt like a short trip.  I spent it telling my friends about my family, partially, and I told Ron that I'm a sine witch. All too soon we were pulling into Platform 9 3/4.

Once we're off with all of our stuff Ron and Hermione say their goodbyes and head towards their parents while I stay back with Harry

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Once we're off with all of our stuff Ron and Hermione say their goodbyes and head towards their parents while I stay back with Harry. "Please don't forget to write." "Of course." He says, giving me a big, toothy grin. 

"Maybe Mrs. Weasley will let you stay over at some point. Also don't forget about me, if I don't hear from you I'll think you've forgotten." I say. "I could never forget you Hope Mikaelson, never." He says. With that I bring him into a hug before pulling away and kissing his cheek. 

"I'll see you later then. Good bye Harry." "Good bye Hope." With one last hug I walk over to the Weasleys. "Ready dear?" Mrs. Weasley asks. "Ready." with that we leave the platform and flu to the Burrow. Ginny runs up to me. 

"You're back! You have to tell me all about it! Come on!" I laugh as she pulls me up the stairs. Oh what a year this has been I can only hope the next few don't disappoint. My smile slips. Next few? Then it dawns on me. I've made a family here, despite my tries not to. 

Would I be able to go back to my world with the knowledge that I'd be leaving my family here? I mean, yeah I miss my Aunts and Uncles, but what about the Weasleys, or Hermione, Harry? Could I leave all of them behind like I left my last family? Do I even want to?

I then push those thoughts aside. Dumbledore hasn't found the way back yet. I'll think about going back when the time comes. If the time comes. Forcing a smile I enter Ginny's room fully prepared to tell her about everything, living in the moment. 

That's all I have to do, live in the moment.

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