Chapter 18: Little Moony

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Hope's POV:

We quickly find Buckbeak and Harry and I get on his back. Hermione doesn't "Hermione what are you doing?" I ask. "You'll need room for Sirius. I'll meet the two of you in front of the Hospital Wing." She says. We nod and take off into the sky.

My arms wrap around Harry's middle just like the first time we rode him. "I forgot how much I loved this feeling." I mutter into his jacket from behind. He flashes me a grin and then pulls Buckbeak into a steep dive so that we can land right outside Sirius' cell.

We get off and rush over to it. "How are we gonna open it?" He asks. I smirk and raise my hands. "Patere!" I yell, shoving my hands forward. The cell door flies off it's hinges. Sirius looks up and grins at us. He stands and we help him onto Buckbeak. 

This time I take Buckbeaks chain and guide us through the air. I land in the stone courtyard outside the Hospital Wing. The three of us get off. "I will be forever grateful for this, to both of you." Sirius says. "I want to go with you." Harry says. 

"One day perhaps. For sometime my life will be too unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." He says. "But, you're innocent." He says. "And you know it, and for now that'll do." He says, sitting Harry down on a stone bench and kneeling in front of him. 

"I suspect you're tired of hearing this, but you look so like your father. Except your eyes, you have you-" "Mother's eyes." Harry finishes. "It's cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily and you so little, but know this Harry, the ones that love us never really leave us."

Look down and think about my parents. I touch the 'M' necklace that Harry gave me for Christmas our first year. They're with me, always and forever. "You can always find them, in here." He says, placing his hand on Harry's heart. I smile. Having Sirius will be good for him.

Then they both stand up and we walk over to Buckbeak. He climbs on and looks down at me. "Take care of him little Moony." I smile at the name, knowing that Lupin is Moony. "Always." I say. Smiling he then takes off. We watch the two fo them go off. "We'll see him again." I tell Harry. 

He nods. "Yeah, we will." "Come on, Hermione's probably freaking out that we're not back yet." I say. He smiles and nods. With that the two of us sprint towards the Hospital Wing doors. Hermione is waiting for us. "Come on, it's almost time." She says. We nod. 

When we get there Dumbledore is just walking out. "We did it, Sirius is free." Harry tells him. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Goodnight." With that he takes off down the corridor. The three of us walk back into the Hospital Wing to find a very confused Ron.

"How did you get there? I was just talking to you there, and now you're there." He says. The three of us laugh. "What's he talking about Harry?" Hermione asks. "I don't know." He says. "Honestly Ron, how could somebody be in two places at once?" I ask. We just laugh at this. 

Right them Madam Pomphry walks in. "What are you three doing out of bed? Get to your beds. You can leave in the morning." She tells us. We nod and go to the bed we woke up in. I take off my jacket and boots and lay down, trying to get some rest, but I can't. 

I turn over to see Harry still awake as well. I get up and walk over to him. He looks at me, sitting up and moving over so that I can sit beside him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me. "Do you think of me any differently?" I ask quietly. "What?" 

"Now that you know my past, are you scared of who I am?" "No, I'm not." "Why?" "Because you're my best friend Hope. You've saved my life on numerous occasions. You knocked out Snape because you knew I needed to hear the truth. You're always there for me." He says. 

"So you're not scared of me." I clarify. "No, honestly, I'm in even more awe of you than I was before. Not only are you the most powerful witch I know, you are a werewolf who can control their turning and is fully in control. You're the strongest person I know." He says. 

I look up and smile at him. "Thank you." "What for?" "For not being scared of me. People in my world were always scared of my powers and how I would grow to become the most powerful creature there is. They did think that maybe I'm just a girl who wanted a normal childhood." 

"Tell me about your childhood." He says. "You don't want to hear it. It's depressing." "Hope, I want to know." He says, staring down into my eyes. His words are filled with the most sincerity I've ever heard I nod. 

"Only weeks after I was conceived there was a prophesy saying that I would grow to become to downfall of all witches so the day I was born they killed my mother, turning her into a hybrid, and tried to sacrifice me." His eyes widen in horror. 

"Obviously they didn't succeed. My Aunt's husband, Marcel, saved me. When I was one my psychotic 1000 year old Great Aunt Dahlia tried to take me from my parents, again, she didn't succeed. When I was two Marcel tried to kill my family members." He goes to take, but I stop him. 

"My Aunt tied their lives to my dad and he was kept prisoner by marcel for five years. When I was seven I finally got my family back. That is until I was possessed by an evil witch who destroyed my uncle's memories and almost killed me." He looks absolutely horrified. 

"My Aunt, uncles, and dad took the power of that witch into them to save me, but they couldn't be near me or each other without undoing the effects. That lasted eight years. I grew tired of my dad never calling or being there so I kidnapped my own mother so he would come back." 

"You-" "I'm not finished." "When it worked I went to go get her, but the vampires who wanted to kill all hybrids had taken her. Then my boyfriend at the time betrayed me and got me captured too. The bound my mom's werewolf side so that she was fully vampire." "I thought-"

"Stop interrupting." He nods. "Anyways if you're a hybrid you aren't forced to turn during a full moon and you don't burn in the sun like normal wolves and vampires." He nods, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. 

"But in order to save me my mom cut the daylight ring off the leader of the vampire groups and hand and flung them into sunlight, turning them both to ash. After that I knew I needed my family around so I took the witch's magic back in me, but once again it started to slowly kill me."

He pulls me tighter to him. "After that I tried to get the power out by using it to kill the entire vampire group that killed my mom. It didn't work and during my first shift as a werewolf my dad used it to put the magic in him. Him and my uncle then died to get rid of it. That's my sob story."

He pulls me even closer to him. "You have gone through so much in such a short time. That just makes me think you are even stronger than I realized." He mumbles into my hair. I lean into him. I yawn. "Get some sleep, you've earned it." 

With that I close my eyes and let darkness envelop me.

Hope Mikaelson Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now