Chapter 4: Mad-Eye Moody is Dead

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Hope's POV:

When we reach the Burrow's little clearing Mrs. Weasley runs out to us. "Harry! Hope! What happened? Where are the others?" She asks as Ginny trails out behind her. "Is no one else back?" Harry asks.

"They were on us right from the start. We didn't stand a chance. Did Hagrid, my broom, and Hedwig make it here?" She nods. "Yes. When the broom appeared I was confused but then he showed up and I knew you must have taken things into your own hands." She explains to me.

I nod, walking forward. She pulls me into a tight hug. "Thank goodness you two are alright." She says. Ginny walks up to me as Mrs. Weasley heads back inside. "Ron and Tonks should've already been back. Dad and Fred as well." She mutters to me. Worry instantly fills me.

Harry and I exchange nervous looks. I hear the sound of someone apparating and turn. Lupin and George appear, George slowly turning back into himself. His ear is bleeding profusely. "HERE! QUICK! INTO THE HOUSE!" Lupin yells. I rush over and take his other side.

Together we drag him into the house where Mrs. Weasley is instantly at our sides. "Oh my boy." She mutters, her voice quivering with building tears. We lay him on the couch and I kneel next to him. Before I can do anything Lupin has Harry by the collar, shoving him against the wall.

"What are you doing?!" I snap, standing and pulling Lupin off of him. "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts." "Are you mad?!" Harry yells back. Lupin steps forward, but I step between them, glaring. "What creature!?" He snaps.

"Grindylow." Harry yells back, quickly thinking back. Lupin lets out a sigh. "We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter." He tells us. I sigh, nodding, before looking at Harry who also nods.

There's another whooshing sound, meaning another person apparating in. Harry and Lupin rush outside while I turn to Mrs. Weasley. "I need a knife." "What?" "A knife. I can't regrow the ear, but I can heal it as best as I can." She nods and rushes off, only to return minutes later with a knife.

"This isn't gonna taste too great." I warn him. He just groans in pain. I slice my hand and press it to his mouth, letting the blood drip inside. He chokes slightly, but gets it down nonetheless. He sighs in relief. I take the towel and wipe away the blood to see the wound closing itself.

There's a little hole for him to hear out of. "Thank you." I nod and stand, walking outside. When I get there, Hermione and Kingsley, Bill and Fleur, and Tonks and Ron are back. Hermione rushes over and pulls Ron into a hug as I stand by Harry's side.

"Brilliant he was. I wouldn't be standing here without him." Tonks says, hugging Lupin. "Really?" Hermione asks, shocked. "Always the tone of surprise." Ron grins. Harry and I rush up to the pair and the four of us hug tightly. There's another crack and Fred and Mr. Weasley appear.

"We the last back? Where's George?" Mr. Weasley asks. When no one answers the two rush towards the house, Ron trailing not too far behind. We all walk inside and Fred is kneeling by his twin's side. While I got most of the blood off, it's obvious the extent of his injury.

"How you feeling Georgie?" Fred asks. "Saint-like." He mutters. "Come again?" "Saint-like. I'm holey. I'm holey Fred. Get it?" He grins. I smile at this. Of course he would crack a joke when he's missing an ear. "The whole wide world of ear-related humor, and you go for "I'm holey".

That's pathetic." He chuckles. "Reckon I'm still better looking than you. Hope cleaned me up nice and good, didn't she?" He grins. Fred turns to me. "Thanks." He mouths. I nod. After everything calms down Bill walks forward. "Mad-Eye's dead." My heart drops at that.

Lupin takes a seat. "Mondungus took one look at Voldemort, disapparated." Tears fill my eyes as Harry's hand fills mine. I squeeze it. Wars always have casualties. I was too young to see the casualties of the last war I was apart of. The war my father fought for me. But now I'm older.

People I love are dying left and right and I may not have been close with Mad-Eye, but he was still friend. After the news Mrs. Weasley sent us all to bed since Fleur and Bill's wedding is tomorrow. A wedding. Why do weddings have to happen at the worst possible time.

Freya and Keelin's, Fleur and Bill's

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Freya and Keelin's, Fleur and Bill's. I get trying to bring up everyone's mood, but they just don't fit to me. I don't sleep well that night. Something isn't sitting right with me. That's when I hear it. Someone leaving Harry and Ron's room. 

I'm instantly up, pulling on some slippers I rush out of Ginny's room, careful not to wake her or Hermione. When I get to the hallway Ron is there too. "He's leaving, isn't he?" I ask. He nods. "Let's go talk some sense into him." I sigh, leading the way out of the house. 

We find Harry about to enter the fields. "Going somewhere?" Ron calls out. Harry turns to look at us. "Nobody else is going to die...not for me." I roll my eyes. "For you? You think Mad-Eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you?" Ron asks as Harry walks away. 

The two of us walk with him. "You may be the chosen one, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that." He says when Harry finally stops and turns to us. "It's always been bigger than that." I remind him. "Come with me, both of you." I scoff. 

"Well that's a given, but if we leave Hermione behind I'm 99% sure she'll castrate you." I say, crossing my arms. "She's right, and are you mad? We wouldn't last two days without her. "Don't tell her I said that. Besides, you've still got the trace on you. We've still got the wedding." 

"Look, I don't care about a wedding, I'm sorry, no matter whose it is. I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They're our only chance to beat him, and the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets." I sigh, walking forward and placing my hands gently on his arms. 

"Tonight isn't the night Harry. We'll find them and we'll destroy them, but for now, we wait. I know you're anxious for this to be over, believe me, I am too, but right now you have to think with your head and not your heart. Do you even know where you're going to start?" 

He doesn't answer me, which gives me his answer. "Look, come back inside, sit through the wedding and after that we'll convene and put together a plan of action. We're not gonna get far on just luck this time Harry. This task, what we have to do, it's gonna take all of us." He sighs.

He drops his bag onto the ground and stares at the path he was about to take. Ron walks forward and picks it up. Harry turns, grabbing my hand as we walk back towards the house in silence. Ron breaks that silence when we reach the house. 

"Do you think he knows? I mean, they're bits of his sour, these Horcruxes, bits of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring, you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary, he must have felt something. But to kill the other Horcruxes, we have to find them. Where are they? Where do we start?" 

Harry and I exchange a look at Ron's question. We have the same answer. We have no clue. 

Hope Mikaelson Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now