Chapter 19: I Don't Want You To Be The Next Elena Salvatore

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Hope's POV:

It's the next day and Harry has been avoiding me. I've been wanting to ask him if he figured out the egg, but I'm having no such luck. In my quest to find him I run into Cedric. "Hey, have you see Harry? I really need too talk to him." He tells me. I furrow my brows. 

"No, I haven't. I'm looking for him too, actually." I explain. "Well come on, we'll find him together." I nod and together we walk down through the hallways together. We get outside and spot Harry and Hermione talking on a bridge. "Hey Potter!" Cedric calls out. 

Harry looks over and his eyes narrow. He starts to walk off. "Potter!" Cedric calls again. "Cedric. Hope." He says. What the hell? "Harry!" I call this time, grabbing onto his cloak, and pulling him to a stop. " are you?" Cedric asks. I furrow my brows and look over at him. 

Harry looks confused as well. "Spectacular." "Look, I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons." "Forget about it. I'm sure you would have done the same for me." "Exactly. You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?" He asks. Harry nods. 

Cedric leans in to whisper to him. "It's not a bad place for a bath." He pulls back. "Just take your egg and...mull things over in the hot water." He says. He smiles at me and then he's gone. "What the hell was that all about?" I ask. "I don't know." 

"Well, I was looking for you to see if you've figured out the egg yet, but clearly you haven't." "I guess I'll figure it out tonight." I nod. "Why did you walk away from me?" I ask. "What?" "Don't play dumb. Why?" 

"Just thought I might be interrupting you and your boyfriend." He says, looking down. I laugh a little. "Cedric and I aren't dating Harry." "But yesterday, you-" "We went on a date and thirty minutes in we decided it was better to stay friends than ruin a friendship with a relationship."

His eyes brighten slightly. "Oh, really? Fantastic." I raise my eyebrows at him. "I mean...well, I don't know what I meant. Just forget I said anything." He mumbles. I laugh and put an arm around his waist. His goes around my shoulders, hugging me to his side. 

"Now, tonight you'll figure out the egg and then we have all of tomorrow to figure out how you're going to beat the first task." He nods and together we walk back towards the castle. The next morning at breakfast Harry tells us what the eggs said when he was under the water.  

I have no clue what to make of it. Right after breakfast Hermione drags us to the library where we proceed to spend the next several hours. Hermione is examining the egg while I'm thinking over the song. "Harry, tell me again." Hermione demands. 

Ron is currently asleep while Harry is close to it. "Come seek us where our voices sound." "The Black Lake, that's obvious." I chime in. Hermione shakes Ron awake. "An hour long you'll have to look." "Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic." Hermione says. 

Harry looks up at her. "Potentially problematic? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour Hermione?" He asks. I place a calming hand on his shoulder. He turns to me. "Hope, any ideas?" He asks. I shake my head. 

"Nope, the only person I know who's been underwater for longer than five minutes drowned and turned into a vampire. I don't want you to be the next Elena Salvatore" I tell him, shrugging. He groans at this. "Can't I just turn?" He asks. I shake my head. 

"Vampires drown too. My Aunt Caroline's husband drowned over and over again while trapped in a safe at the bottom of a lake. He came back just to drown again." I tell him. "Look, Harry, we, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out." Hermione reassures him. Then Moody appears. 

"Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." He tells us. Ron stands and Harry goes to as well. "Not you Potter, just Granger, Weasley, and Mikaelson." He tells him. I look worriedly at Harry before squeezing his shoulder. 

"You'll be fine. I'll see you later, alright?" I ask him. He nods, not looking too happy about us being taken away when he needs us the most. When Moody, Ron, and Hermione are around the corner I turn to Harry. "Papilio lux." His shoulders visibly relax. "You'll be fine. Harry." 

Without thinking I kiss his cheek before running after the others. I wonder why McGonagall would want to see us. When we get to her office there's a little girl already sitting in one of the four chairs. "Good, you three are here. Now, each of you take a seat and we can get started." 

Confused we all follower her instructions. "Now, for the second task the Champions will have to retrieve something important to them." Again, we give her a confused look. Why are we here then? 

"For Mr. Krum it will be Miss Granger, for Miss Delacour it will be Miss Delacour, for Mr. Potter it will be Mr. Weasley and for Mr. Diggory it shall be you Miss Mikaelson." My eyes widen at this. Harry doesn't know. 

He's going to think we bailed on him until he gets to the bottom of that lake and he still doesn't know how he's going to breath for an hour. Fear floods me as I worry for my friend's safety in this task. 

"Now, I'm going to cast a spell on all of you that will put you asleep and allow you to breath underwater until you hit the surface. You all will be perfectly safe." McGonagall tell us. With a wave of her wand we're in our school uniforms. With another, everything goes dark. 

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