Chapter 29: Assassination

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A/N:  This story's about to go through a dark tunnel for a while.


The ship set sail towards the east as Zuko continued his pursuit of the Avatar. One evening after dinner, a fleet of Fire Nation ships pulled into the port where they were docked. Zuko, suspecting Zhao was using his resources to search for the Avatar, stormed off the bridge. When he did not return Iroh went to look for him.

"Prince Zuko," he said after knocking on the door of his quarters. Iroh opened it and peeked inside to see him staring blankly out a window. "Prince Zuko, it's music night. Maybe you would like to join us on deck?"

"And since when have I ever joined in?" he snapped.

Iroh stepped inside the cabin. "But you have such a talent for the tsungi horn. It would be an honor to have you play for us."

"I'm not playing the tsungi horn."

"Making music can be quite therapeutic, Nephew," he persisted. "It would do you good to relax on deck rather than sulk in your room."

Zuko rounded on him. "How can I relax when Zhao is using the entire Navy to capture the Avatar?! If he beats me to him, I'll never be able to go home. I'll never regain my honor." His eyes dropped to the floor. "How can my life possibly get worse?" he said desperately.

"There are worse things than losing your home, Zuko," said Iroh solemnly.

The young prince was ready to snap at him again, but his uncle's sobering tone interrupted his anger and frustration. He was reminded of Lu Ten and, even more recently, of Chiara's absence from the ship. He turned back to the window.

"I-I just want to be alone."

Iroh left the room making a mental note to send Chiara to deal with him—after music night of course.


Several of the crewmen joined in for music night that evening. Iroh sang while Chiara played her erhu, Lieutenant Jee was on his pipa, and two other crew members played percussion. A few of the men were dancing on the deck after sneaking a sip or two of the fire whiskey someone had smuggled on board earlier that day.

Walking up the gang plank, two soldiers stepped on deck followed by Admiral Zhao. The music and dancing stopped when they saw the men come on board.

Zhao's eyes scanned them all stopping at Chiara. "General Iroh, I see Lady Chiara has returned." His slight frown reflected his disappointment in not rescuing her from the Avatar first.

"Yes," said Iroh. "It seems that the Daughter of the Dragon of the West was too much for the Avatar to handle." His voice was filled with pride.

"I'm glad you're safe, Lady Chiara," Zhao inclined his head to her.

"Thank you, Admiral," she said stiffly.

"That must've been quite harrowing," he said. "I would love to hear all about your ordeal as the Avatar's prisoner and your return, but unfortunately I'm here on more pressing business." His eyes slid to Iroh. "General Iroh, I will be leading an attack on the Northern Water Tribe."

Chiara's mouth dropped open, and she stood up and took a step towards the admiral.

"Oh, that is quite an ambitious endeavor," said Iroh who placed his hand on Chiara preventing her from advancing. "Would you like to join us for music night to celebrate?"

"No. I'm here to recruit these men. We will need every soldier for this expedition."

"I am sorry to hear that," said Iroh.

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