Chapter 65: We're Almost There

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"We need to get all the prisoners released from their cells," Zuko told Sokka while they were walking through the prison.

"Come on." Sokka grabbed his arm pulling him.

"I know what 'come on' means," hissed Zuko as he scowled at him. But he didn't fight Water Tribe's manhandling; he was too anxious to move on with the plan. He still hadn't gotten completely used to the Gaang's touchy-feeliness, but it was easier to just deal with it rather than threaten them with some sort of bodily injury all the time.

"I have an idea," said Sokka.

Sokka liked being the plan guy, and since he already had one, it was one less thing Zuko had to worry about.

They approached the guard who was standing by the levers which controlled the cell doors. With the prisoners on lockdown, he stood staring out over the empty halls below. It was only one guard; Zuko was sure he could take him even if he was a firebender.

"Hey, I just got orders," said Sokka. Zuko looked at him wondering what his plan was. "Let the prisoners out into the yard."

Okay , thought Zuko, Water Tribe's going to try to handle this with words.

The guard crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at him clearly not falling for it. "But we're in the middle of a lockdown."

Zuko was quite sure a fire blast would easily take care of this problem.

"Oh, okay," said Sokka a little too agreeably for Zuko's liking.

Zuko's hands were warming up.

"I'll just go tell the warden you said that."

Really? thought Zuko. His plan involves being a tattle-tale? Yep, let's just go tell the warden. Maybe try a little sarcasm, Water Tribe.

The guard lifted his visor as he watched Sokka turn away.

"I'm sure he'll be glad to hear about you undermining his authority," said Sokka.

Way to go, Sokka. Zuko had to admit he was impressed to see the guard getting nervous. Sweet sarcasm.

"What's your name again?" demanded Sokka lifting his visor to look closely at him.

"Wait...!" said the guard.

Zuko could see sweat beading on the guy's forehead. Water Tribe's really scaring him.

"Don't tell the warden," the guard said nervously. "I'm just a little confused."

"Hey, I'm confused too," shrugged Sokka. "But the warden's in a bad mood, and...irrational. So if you ask me, it's best not to question it, and just do what he says." He put his arm around the guard's shoulder for effect.

"'re right," said the guard. "We're letting them out!" he announced.

He pulled the levers which opened the cell doors, and the prisoners began leaving their cells and heading out to the yard. Sokka really was the plan guy. Uncle would've been proud to see the situation handled without violence. If they actually managed to escape the prison, Zuko might tell him about it.

They ran down to the yard where they met up with Chiara and Sokka's twin that he could only assume was his father, Dakota? Hokada?

"This is it! We have to start a riot," said Sokka.

"Okay, how do we do that?" Zuko asked him.

They looked around at the prisoners trying to think of a way to cause some mayhem.

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