Chapter 59: Prison Again?

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Chiara was taken to an airship in a clearing not far from the ambush site. Her eyes were drawn up to the large warship as they approached it. It was enormous, far larger than Zuko's small war balloon, and she was reminded of being led to the large cruiser that took her back to the Fire Nation to be imprisoned. As they ushered her inside and through the dark hallways towards the center of the ship, a feeling of apprehension descended upon her.

Even the brig was huge with a row of cells lining one side—as if they expected a large number of prisoners.

"The little waif who's the traitor's spy."

She recognized the guard standing before her from the Capital City Prison.

"For a little waif, she caused enough trouble down there," grumbled the soldier holding her.

"Did you get the other traitor too?" the guard asked.

"No. He wasn't with her."

"Well, if he wants his concubine back, he'll have to come get her." The guard removed her knife before opening a cell door. "Welcome to your palace suite, your Highness," he addressed her derisively.

The soldier that had hold of her pulled her by her arm into the cell where he shoved her into a corner and attached her shackles to a ring on the floor.

"You're not going to escape out of this, spy," he added with disgust in his voice.

"She didn't escape the last time," said the guard holding the door open. "The traitor broke her out."

"He won't be breaking her out now," he laughed as he exited the cell.

She sat quietly on the floor wondering how long it would take to fly to the Fire Nation in the airship. She was not anxious to see Azula again so soon. Though it had been weeks, she felt like she just recovered from their last reunion. Her wounds were healed and her nightmares were not so vivid now. She had not been so afraid to go to sleep as the worry that she would not find Zuko nearby when she woke up subsided. Her heart was aching for her husband. She knew he was going to be angry at her abduction, and for as much as she dreaded her next encounter with Azula, she hoped he would continue training Aang and not attempt a rescue. She was sure it was a trap for her prince, so she suspected Azula would keep her alive for a while. There was still time before Sozin's Comet was to arrive; all she had to do was hang on until the Avatar took down Ozai and then Zuko could get her out of prison. But then it crossed her mind that the trap could work even if she was executed immediately because as long as Zuko believed she was in his sister's hands, he would search for her, and she was sure Azula would count on that.

After getting over the shock of the sudden change in her situation, she attempted to mentally prepare herself for what lay in the future. Forcing the worries from her mind, she shifted herself into a more comfortable position and began meditating as if she were sitting with Zuko or Iroh.


Sokka was rubbing the back of his aching head as he slowly sat up, but his pain was quickly forgotten when he saw his sister lying on the ground some distance away, and he jumped up and fell on his knees by her side.

"Katara," he said checking over her for injuries. He was relieved there was no blood.

Her eyes slowly opened. "Sokka?" He put his arm around her to help her sit up. "Where's Chiara?" she asked.

They scanned the area spotting only their swords lying on the otherwise empty forest floor.

"They must've taken her," he said.

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