Chapter 38: A Better Life

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A/N:  Apologies for any formatting issues such as lack of time dividers or spaces between words.  When I first paste the chapter I skim through it to make sure those get corrected, but apparently I still miss some since I recently found words lacking spaces in older chapters.



One afternoon Iroh was busily working in the tea shop serving tea to the customers when a merchant, followed by his two assistants, approached him. Quon's fine clothes and adornments made it clear he was not from the Lower Ring.

"So you're the genius behind this incredible brew," he said to Iroh. "The whole city is buzzing about you. I hope Pao pays you well."

"Good tea is its own reward," said Iroh humbly.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward," said Quon smoothly. "How would you like to have your own tea shop?"

"My own tea shop?" asked Iroh surprised. "This is a dream come true."

Pao, having heard the conversation, came running out. "What's going on here?" he asked. He threw his arms out in front of Iroh standing between him and Quon. "Are you trying to poach my tea maker?"

"Sorry, Pao," said Quon. "That's business for you. Am I right?"

"Mushi," said Pao turning to him pleadingly, "If you stay, I'll...make you assistant manager...wait, senior assistant manager."

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the Upper Ring," offered Quon. "The tea shop is yours to do whatever you want—complete creative freedom."

"I even get to name the shop?" asked Iroh.

"Of course," he said.

"Uh, senior executive assistant manager?" implored Pao.

Iroh handed him the teapot he was holding and bowed to Quon.

"Did you hear, Nephew?" asked Iroh as Zuko walked by carrying a tray of empty cups. "This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the Upper Ring of the city."

"That's right, young man," said Quon. "Your life is about to change for the better."

"I'll try to contain my joy," said Zuko with zero enthusiasm.

He set the tray down and walked outside to take a break. As he leaned against the building, a piece of paper floated down and he reached up and caught it. His eyes grew wide when he focused on the image of Appa. He stepped out into the street searching the sky. Seeing only the tops of the buildings surrounding him, he climbed on the roof and looked out over the city knowing the Avatar was out there somewhere.


Iroh immediately returned home to the apartment anxious to share the good news with Chiara and prepare for their move.

"Lin, Lin," he called as he entered.

"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked.

"We're moving to the Upper Ring of the city," he said.

"What?" Sometimes he would go out after dinner to play Pai Sho with friends he made at the tea shop, and she wondered if maybe one of his "connections" hooked them up. "Why?"

"I have been offered my own tea shop to do whatever I wish, even name it," he said excitedly.

Again she thought one of his "friends" might be involved, but her eyes lit up. "That's incredible. I'm so happy for you," she said as she hugged him. "How did this happen?"

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