Chapter 93: Family Affairs

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Later in the day after their return from the Earth Kingdom, Zuko decided to take a trip to the Prison Tower while Chiara was resting at Amiku's insistence. Kaito was by his side when they entered the prison where they were led to Ozai's cell. Zuko stood before the door. It would be the first time he visited Ozai during his incarceration. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Wait here," he ordered Kaito who stood to the side.

Entering the cell by himself, Zuko saw Ozai quietly sitting on a mat dressed in a simple red prison uniform, leaning listlessly against the back wall. His feet were bare, and his long hair lay in disheveled strands around his face. Had he been anyone else, it might be heartbreaking to witness the former regal man reduced to such a pitiable state. But Zuko felt no sympathy upon seeing the once powerful Fire Lord/Phoenix King sitting in the tiny, dark cell behind bars instead of on a throne behind a wall of flames. The prisoner slowly opened his eyes, the pale gold following the young prince as he walked in and stood staring at him through the bars.

"The Crown Prince has finally graced me with his presence in my lowly prison cell," said Ozai in a deep, condescending voice. "Why are you here?"

Zuko had been pondering how he was going to ask his question ever since he decided to confront the man he once considered his father. Loyalty, fortitude, a child's love for his father—none of it ever earned Ozai's respect. He knew that was impossible, so he decided to be blunt. "Because you're going to tell me something." He bent closer to Ozai. "Where is my mother?"

Ozai's lip curled into a devilish grin. "You ought to bring me some tea, Zuko," he said smoothly. "We'll talk while sipping from steaming little cups, much like you did with my traitorous brother."

Zuko could feel the fire of his anger growing hotter.

"I suspect he's training you to be the next Fire Lord. As someone with experience, you might find my advice far more valuable." Zuko was about to snap at him. "Perhaps even the subject of your mother will come up," he added coolly.

Zuko had known that it was not going to be easy getting the information out of Ozai, but the man's smug composure and shrewd attempt at trying to get into his head disgusted him. He turned away from the cell before he lost his temper. "I don't need this."

He stormed out of the prison and returned to the palace.


It was late in the afternoon before dinner when Chiara found Zuko in the palace garden sitting by the pond throwing bread to the turtle ducks. When she knelt next to him, he tore his loaf in half and held it out to her. She joined him in tossing crumbs to the excited little animals.

"I take it your visit didn't go well," she said softly.

"He told me to come back with tea and he'll give me advice on being Fire Lord." He let out a low, dry laugh. "As if his advice is worth anything."

Chiara found it infuriating, though not surprising, that Ozai would try to manipulate him.

"Did he say anything about Aunt Ursa?"

"Only that she might come up in the conversation." He rolled his eyes still frustrated by Ozai's deviousness.

Chiara tossed a piece of bread out into the pond, and they watched the turtle ducks race to get it.

"Did he ask about Azula?" she asked.

Zuko hesitated mid-throw. He realized Ozai never inquired as to how his favorite child was doing—if she was also in prison or even injured or killed in battle. "No," he answered.

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