The Unknown Spider - Part 3

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The next morning, the Avengers team were having breakfast, Bruce deciding to come wake me up seeing how I wasn't in the kitchen with them. As she knocked on my door, he didn't get an answer so he got Friday to open the door, now seeing the room perfectly clean as it was before, as if I was never there. There was a note on the table however.

Thank you for housing me for the night however I cannot stay and I can't go back to my own universe, that is a death sentence which I'm not willing to take. Please don't try to come after me either, I really don't want any fighting with any of you. Just let this be my peace and I'll be out of your city come tomorrow...somehow.

Bruce groaned a bit and now took the note with him to where the rest of the team is, "she left. She's going to try and leave the city today, something about going back to her universe being a death sentence." Tony threw his hands up a bit, "I should of just left her in-" "Stark shut it!" Wanda suddenly snapped which made the team look to her, "she told me about her universe last night, she told me that it's practically gone, what's with the issue with her being here? She isn't a threat." Natasha sighed and now stood up, "I'm going to go find her." With that the Russian left the tower, Wanda now following off behind her. Not hearing that Tony had announced that Doctor Strange was already on his way to the tower.

I however was currently changing into clothing I had gotten from helping a shop deal with a couple of burglars. They gave me a basic outfit and a face mask with some sunnies plus a cap so I gladly took it and had gotten changed into them, now heading off towards where they said there was a bus station that was super cheap and could get me into the next city so I could start making my way to possibly leaving to Canada though...I didn't have any form of ID on me. I decided I'd take a quick pit stop and now ran off, swinging along the streets and up back onto that high building where I first met Natasha. I stood up there and looked down at the city below. Hadn't been too long and I heard some footsteps behind me again. "I'm not going back." I turned around looking to Wanda and Natasha as I fixed up my sunglasses and face mask. "I think Canada might be a nice change of scenery, definitely would be different from my universe's Canada." I flicked my cap up a bit and watched the two, "look Blake we aren't here to take you back to your universe, if anything we're both against it." I perked up at this and relaxed a bit, "why come here then?"

Natasha left Wanda's side and came up to me, "because you need to come back to the tower, I think you already know that I know you have no legal form of ID so the only way you'd get into Canada is illegally." I huffed a bit and kicked a bit at the gravel, "...that might be true." I sighed and turned away from them both, "your team doesn't want me at the tower, I think Tony has made that quite clear-" "Bruce doesn't want you gone and if anything you could change Tony's mind. Just come back with us okay?" I took a moment before throwing my hands up and removing my cap, face mask and glasses, Natasha seeing my face for the first time, Wanda just shaking her head slightly to Nat. I pressed my chest, my suit now spreading across me, my mask now fully covering my head again. "Fine but if they try to send me can't stop me from leaving." Both women nodded and now walked with me down stairs, now exactly trusting me not to just straight up and leave anyway.

We had gotten into the car Natasha drove here, me sitting in the back as the other two sat in the front, Natasha driving off now. I was silent during the drive, just watching out the window. Wanda now spoke up a bit, "Bucky, Clint and Steve like you, ya know?" I glanced to her and sighed softly, "maybe."

When we did eventually get back to the Avenger's tower, I stayed close to the two red heads as we entered the common area where the team was and now also Doctor strange. "That's her." Stephen looked to me and began walking over to us, I quickly moved behind Natasha a bit and my suit's eyes squinted into a frown, "I'm not going back-" "No you won't be."

Those four words he said to me shocked everyone, "wait you're not sending me back?" I stepped out from behind Natasha, her arm moving in front of me a bit protectively as if she didn't fully trust Stephen. He sighed and nodded, "well not only do we not know which universe you're from, it would be far too much of a risk to open it back up to send you back. The last thing we need is opening it again only for more people to break in or two universes colliding." I stood their dumbfounded and so did some of the others, I clicked the small button, my mask now coming off my face. "So I can stay?" Stephen looked over to Tony who had been chatting to Bruce about it before finally agreeing, "yes but this time you will reside in the tower...again. We still need to monitor you and trial run you." Tony didn't expect it but I jumped at him, hugging him tightly, "fucking finally!" I let go of Tony and looked at the others as they seemed to focus a bit on my face scarring so I stumbled a bit trying to get my mask but on but I felt a hand on my shoulder, "don't worry about it Blake." I gulped a bit and just nodded to Bucky as smiled and stepped away.

After some chatter sparked up, I now spoke up and brushed back my hair again, "so...seeing how I'm staying...what exactly am I doing? Like you said you need to monitor me, do you mean in like a fight or...?" Bruce now stood up from his seat and came over, "well we need to see the extent of your powers, seeing how you seem to have control over them, it shouldn't be too long, then we'll sort out what happens after okay?" I nodded and smiled brightly before looking around at the others a bit, "can we start now?" Natasha perked up at this and bit her lip slightly, "I think you and I should train a bit together ya?" I looked over to where the two red heads were before nodding, "okay lets go!"

Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Bruce and I headed off and into the training room where I changed fully into my suit before turning to them. "Let's keep it nice and clean first, let's see what you can do." I nodded and jumped up onto the training mats, looking to Natasha as she came onto the mat too. I focused on her before smirking slightly, what I did next surprised her a bit. I spoke Russian to her.

"So we're really doing this huh? Pretty woman is going to take me for a test run aye?"
(I can't translate Russian sorry so I just wrote it in English)

Natasha cracked her neck a bit before speaking back in Russian, "oh my dear, don't start trying to flatter me now." I chuckled softly and watched as her fists raised. I now focused more and suddenly dived out of the way as she threw punch, my foot swiftly whacking against her ankle which flipped her onto her back. I pounced on top of her and looked down into her eyes, my mask's eyes squinting a bit. I jumped off her as she went to grab me, bucky removing his long sleeve shirt to show his tank top, now jumping onto the mat, coming towards me. I let out a groan like sound as I felt my left arm sleeve now crumble off of me as my arm suddenly had titanium rolling down it. As he threw a punch with his left fist, I did as well. Titanium now colliding with Titanium.

"Ah fuck me, fucking Jesus, god damn son of a fucking bitch!"

I threw my hands up a bit and held onto my wrist as the Titanium on my arm vanished and I kept swearing like a sailor, looking down at my wrist seeing it may of well...broken at the contact. The others quickly raced up to me, Bruce assessing my wrist, "yep that's broken." I threw off my mask with my other hand as Bruce kept checking over my wrist, Natasha and Wanda holding onto me as I threw my head back a bit in pain. Bucky couldn't help but sputter out his laughter so I glared at him and used my not broken hand to shoot a web at him, covering his mouth tight shut. "Shut it Buck boy! Jesus fuck Bruce can you be more gentle!?" I groaned and winced more as Bruce examined it still, "easy now Blake, let's get you to medical so I can fix you up." I nodded and pouted a bit, Natasha chuckling a bit at my pout, "get use to it Blake, you're training with us now so it's bound to happen." I stuck my tongue out at her but quickly bit my lip when Wanda raised a brow at me, "childish."

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