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It's a few days before the Yule Ball and almost everyone has a date. Harry and Ron asked the Patil twins. Blaise asked Luna and she said yes surprisingly. Fred and George were able to bag dates instantly of course. To my dismay Draco asked Pansy.
"I cannot believe you actually asked her", Blaise chuckles at breakfast.
Draco shrugs, "I had to take someone and she's obsessed with me so it works out".
I roll my eyes, "She's fucking insane. She literally drugged you".
"It's just for one night", Draco says.
"Still. It's not okay", I say.
"Why do you care so much?", He says looking at me as if he can see into my mind.
"I don't. You could've asked anyone else just not her", I sigh.
"I told you, there's no one i want to take", he laughs.
"I don't believe that. There has to be someone you fancy".
He stares at me, an amused look on his face.
"Draco is more of a lone wolf", Blaise interrupts.
"Exactly", Says Draco.
"He'll probably die alone at this rate", Blaise jokes.
"Okay that's enough", Draco says.
"You should put yourself out there more", I say out of nowhere.
"Are you seriously trying to give Draco Malfoy dating advice?", Blaise laughs wholeheartedly.
"I just think he deserves someone who cares about him", I say.
"What like you and Cedric?", Draco says.
"Oooo", Blaise says.
"Shut up. He hasn't even asked me to go to the Ball", I say.
"That's odd", Blaise says.
"I know", I sigh.
"I wouldnt stress. He's probably just busy you know with all the tournament shit", Blaise comforts me.
"I hope so".
Everyone starts to finish up eating and leave the hall.
"I'm gonna go find Luna.", Blaise says taking a final bite of toast.
"What?", Draco says, shocked.
"Gotta keep things sweet so she goes to the ball with me that's all", Blaise says but i see through his lies.
"Sure", I smile.
"Tell her i said hi", I say and with that he's gone leaving just me and Draco, walking side by side.
"You know i don't like Pansy", He coughs.
"I don't have feelings for her. She's crazy".
"Oh", I say awkwardly. "Good".
"Good?", He smiles.
"So Cedric really hasn't asked you yet?", He says.
"You know, If he doesn't ask you. We can always go together.", He says.
"Like as friends of course", He looks away.
"What about Pansy?".
"I couldn't give two shits about her. I'd rather go with you", He says softly.
"Yes. If he doesn't ask we'll just go friends".
He smiles widely.
"Okay. Deal".
We walk silently after that. A comfortable silence.

Later that day I meet Cedric in the library. He doesn't even mention the ball.
"How was class?", he asks.
"Are you seriously making small talk?", I say bitterly.
"What?", He says.
"Don't act dumb".
"I'm not".
"It's embarrassing Cedric. We've been dating for months now and you haven't even asked me to the Ball. All my friends have dates. Draco has a date for fuck sake", I say angrily.
Cedric smiles madly at me.
"Is this funny to you?", I say.
"Come on", He takes my hand.
"What the fuck is going on?".
He leads me out into the gardens.
It's dark early now that it's winter and the sky is black, minus a few stars.
"Is there a reason we're standing here in the freezing cold?", I say.
He wraps his arm around my waist to keep me warm.
"Just watch".
I'm convinced he's lost his mind.
We stand there for a few minutes and I debate going back inside.
Suddenly, a flash of light hits the dark sky, igniting it.
"What the", I say.
"Sshhh", He whispers.
More flashes of light hit the sky.
Words begin to form magically.
Green and silver letters appear.
It reads, "(Y/N) (L/N), will you go to the Yule Ball with me?".
I gasp.
"Oh my", I say.
People begin to crowd around us cheering.
Cedrics friends, my friends.
Blaise is at the corner grinning widely. Harry, Ron and Hermione are also there. Fred and George are controlling the fireworks.
"So?", Cedric says nervously.
"Yes. Of course", I say.
People clap and cheer and I lean into Cedrics kiss.
"I love you", He whispers into my ear as he hug.
"I love you too", I smile but out of the corner of my eye i see Draco.
He looks up at the sky,
Then he looks at me.
He turns away hastily.
I don't know why, but i feel guilty. I think about our conversation earlier.
I pull away from Cedric.
"What's wrong?", He asks.
Once again i lie. I keep lying to him.
"Nothing", I kiss him.

The day before the Yule Ball, Me and Hermione decide to go shopping for our dresses.
The Ball falls on a Sunday so we have all weekend to shop.
"This ones pretty", Hermione says pointing to a pink dress.
"That's gorgeous. Try it on", I say.
"Lets find one for you first", She says.
"I don't know what to pick. I have no idea what Ceds wearing", I sigh.
"He'll either wear black or white meaning you can basically wear whatever colour you want", She says.
"True. I forgot how smart you were".
She laughs, "Just common sense (Y/N)".
I push her playfully.
"I just realised. I never even asked who you're taking".
She grins sneakily.
"It's kind of a secret. From Ron and Harry anyways".
"You know I won't tell".
"Mhm", She thinks about it.
She leans in to whisper in my ear.
"Viktor Krum".
I let out a small scream.
"MERLINS BEARD!", I shout.
"Calm down", She laughs.
"I knew you guys had something going on", I say triumphantly.
"Apparently it's not that obvious to everyone. Ronald thinks i'm going alone", She says, amused.
"He's just jealous. He can't comprehend you being able to get a date before him.".
"He's immature. I cant wait to see the look on his face", She grins.
"Oh wow. Look at this one", I say.
I hold out a long emerald green dress that with silver straps engraved with what looks like diamonds around the breasts.
"That's perfect for you".
"Let's try them on".

Sorry for not updating for a while guys! I was on holiday and was super busy but regular uploads will be back this week <3

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