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I walk out of her office, wand back in my hand where it should be. I don't know how i'm going to pull this off, but I know I've got to try. She wants me to be her secret spy? That's exactly what i'll pretend to be. She has no idea that trusting me is a mistake. I know she'll tell me things that will help me take her down, all the while i'll feed her false information each time we meet. She won't anticipate it. She can't comprehend the lengths I'll go to to protect those I love.

As I walk into the common room, Draco and Blaise run towards me. They've clearly been waiting for me to return.
"Are you okay?".
"What happened?".
"I'm fine", I smile. No one can know what happened in that office. Not even Draco. I can't risk it.
"What?", Blaise asks, confused.
I sit down and mentally prepare myself to lie to them.
"It was nothing really. She was just pissed about my behavior in class.".
"Really? She didn't make you do any writing?", Draco asks, shocked.
"No, she said she had more important stuff to deal with", I say as causally as possible.
They both look at me, and I can't read their faces.
"Thank fuck for that. I was shitting it", Blaise says, breaking the tension.
" too", Draco says slowly, not taking his eyes off me.
"She seemed pretty pissed off", Blaise says.
I shrug, "Guess not".
There's an awkward silence for a little while until Blaise yawns loudly.
"Well I reckon it's time for bed", He says.
"I agree", I say hastily. If I stay with them any longer I know i'll let something slip.
"Goodnight guys", Blaise says and he skips up the stairs happily.
Once he's gone Draco turns to me.
"Are you sure that's all that happened?", He asks.
I nod, "Yes, I'm sure".
I hold his gaze trying not to break eye contact and give myself away.
" know you can tell me anything (Y/N). Anything at all".
"I know Draco. I'm just tired. I need sleep".
"Alright", He kisses me on my forehead.
"Goodnight my love", He grins cheesily.
"Goodnight Draco", I say and I turn away as fast as I can so that he can't see the tears forming in my eyes.

The morning of the first Dumbledores Army meeting seems to come faster than expected. I've no idea what Harry has been planning and to be honest, i'm quite nervous for how it's all going to plan out now that I know we've got people watching our every move. At breakfast I approach the trio at the Gryffindor table.
"Alright?", Ron asks as I sit down.
"All good. Just wanted to check in with Harry about the meeting later".
Harry looks up from his toast. "What's up?", He asks.
"Do you have a plan?".
He looks amused. "No I thought i'd just go in there unprepared and teach you all whatever comes to mind first".
"Alright, no need for the sass", I roll my eyes.
"So what's the plan then?", I ask.
"You'll soon see. Don't worry, i've got it all under control".
"You've changed your tune. I thought you weren't so sure about this whole idea?".
"I wasn't. But what can I say? You persuaded me", He smirks.
"You better all be there on time", Mione says suddenly, looking at Ron.
"Of course I will be!", He says defensively.
She looks skeptical. "What time are we meeting again...", He asks.
She shoots him a threatening look. "Kidding!", He chuckles.
"I'll see you all soon", I say, getting up.
"Not staying for breakfast?", Harry asks, hopefully.
"Um...I better be getting back to Draco and Blaise", I say awkwardly.
"Oh right, of course!", He says, a little too enthusiastically.
"See you later then", He smiles.
I walk back to the Slytherin table and sit across from Draco and Blaise.
"So?", Blaise asks.
"He says he's got it covered".
"Meaning?", Draco asks.
"No clue. He wouldn't tell me".
"Bet he hasn't even started planning yet".
"Come on, have some faith in him".
"He better have some clue or we're all fucked", Draco scoffs. Blaise nods in agreement, "He's gonna make a right fool out of himself if he doesn't know what he's doing".
"I think you both underestimate him too much. He's better at magic then you two put together".
"Bollocks", Blaise says. "Absolutely not. That's the biggest lie i've ever heard!", Draco complains.
"Well, you two can prove that later can't you?", I grin.
"Oh we will", Blaise says looking at Draco. "I'm not having this dirt thrown on my name".
"Agreed", Says Draco.
"You're both so dramatic.", I laugh.
"Oh, I meant to tell you both. Last night I saw Umbridge", Draco begins.
Oh shit. I feel my mouth become dry. I grab the pumpkin juice in front of me and gulp it down.
"I was going up to the astronomy tower for a smoke around 1 o clock. I couldn't sleep. Anyways I ran into Umbridge roaming the halls. She looked directly at me, and just walked past without saying a word. Fucking weird.", He explains.
My heart begins to beat faster and faster and my hands are sweaty. I know exactly why she left him alone.
"Odd. She hasn't been bothering me much recently either. I didn't think much of it but now that you mention it she hasn't been giving Luna any shit recently either. What about you (Y/N)?", Blaise says, snapping me out of my trance.
"Umbridge. Has she been bothering you recently?", He asks.
"Oh, no. Not really", My mind races. I don't know what to say.
"Wonder what she's up to?", Draco asks, a confused look on his face.
"I reckon she's focused on other things, bigger than us. It's like she said to me in that meeting, she has more important things to be dealing with".
Draco tuts, "What could possibly be more important than torture to that evil bitch?".
"I reckon she's gotten bored of bullying us.", Blaise says.
"I doubt it. She's probably planning something even more brutal", Draco responds.
"We shouldn't worry about it. I mean, her not picking on us is a good thing? Right?", I say trying to put an end to the discussion.
"Maybe. But it most likely means something worse is coming", Draco says, a sad look spread across his face.
"As long as we've got each other, we'll be okay.", Blaise says. I often think he's incapable of being pessimistic.
"We will", I smile, a truthful smile this time.
I lean over to give Draco a kiss and get up out of my seat.
"Leaving already?", He asks.
"Yeah...I need to return a book to the library before class".
Draco looks at me for a moment, as if he wants to say something but stops himself halfway.
"Okay. I'll see you later", He smiles, but it doesn't meet his eyes. I know he suspects me of something.
"Don't be late!", I grin and turn away from them both hastily.
Merlin...I've got to get better at lying if i'm going to keep this up.

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