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Another week into a new school year. We have a new teacher from the ministry, Dolores Umbridge. I've heard some troubling things about her and the fact she's even in here in the first place is a clear indication that the ministry does not trust Dumbledore. She wears all pink to mask her horrid personality and her voice is the most irritating sound i've ever heard. She might even be worse then Professor Snape.

Last class of the day is potions with Professor Snape.
Harry and I walk together behind the others, slower then needed to delay the inevitable pain that is potions with Snape.
"Do you think he'd notice if i skipped?", I say.
"Definitely", Harry says without second thought.
"Fuck sake", I sigh as we walk in to the dark potions classroom that smells...different.
Snape looks rather disgusted as he stares down at the potion in front of us.
"Hurry in", He says, pinching his nose dramatically.
We all clamber into the classroom, surrounding the potion.
I spot Draco and Blaise and smile.
Hermione and Ron make their way next to Harry and I.
"Does anyone know what this potion is?", Snape asks.
"Amortentia", Hermione says immediately.
"Excellent", Snape says to all of our surprise. He usually ignores Hermiones presence entirely.
"Ms.Granger, you will explain this potion to the rest of the class while i make the next one", He says as if he's gagging at the smell.
Snape hurries to the back of the classroom almost immediately.
"Bloody hell. What's so bad about it? It smells like bacon to me", Ron smiles happily.
Hermione rolls her eyes as other people laugh.
"This potion is Amortentia. It's a love potion that creates a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker. It's rumoured to smell different to each person, according to what attracts them.", Hermione explains.
"For example...I smell, parchment, spearmint toothpaste and...freshly mowed grass", She blushes and says ", That's all", But i swear she glances at Ron.
"Who's the lucky man?", Ron chuckles.
God he is brain dead.
"You can all try it if you'd like", Hermione instructs, ignoring Ron.
One by one people step up to smell the potion.
Blaise smells it and instantly says, "Luna".
"Oh please", Draco rolls his eyes.
"That's bullshit. You can't just smell people", He argues.
"Lavender...pumpkin spice...and lunas homemade perfume", Blaise says dreamily, winking at him as he steps back.
"That's so sweet", I say as Draco pretends to get sick.
"I miss her now", He says.
"Mate? She's probably like two classrooms away right now. She's not in bloody Bulgaria". Draco says.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder", Blaise jokes.
"My point is there's no absence you doorknob".
"Sorry, it's hard to think straight when you're so in love".
Draco once again imitates getting sick.
"What do you smell Harry?", Hermione asks as he moves up to smell the concoction.
"Vanilla...wood...and i don't know...", Suddenly his facial expression changes and he glances in my direction.
"Mollys roast dinner", He says, an obvious lie.
"So what you're saying is, you're in love with my Mum?", Ron says, appalled.
"I'm in love with her food Ron, there's a difference", Harry says.
I laugh at this, "Yes but i really am in love with your mum", I joke.
"Oh piss off (Y/N)", Says Ron.
"Go on, smell it", Hermione says, nudging me.
"I don't know. I really don't want to", I say.
I'm scared that it will remind me too much of Cedric.
"Draco you pussy, smell the potion", Blaise says.
"Fuck off", Draco says.
Me and him somehow end up being pushed up to the potion at the exact same time.
"What do you smell?", Hermione asks.
Harry and Ron watch eagerly.
All i smell is Dior Sauvage and then i become increasingly aware of the man beside me.
"I can smell fuck all over Dracos man fragrance", I say shoving him away.
"Your cheap vanilla perfume is clouding my potion!", He says in retaliation.
"I'm literally not wearing any today", I say without thinking.
Draco coughs awkwardly.
Hermione watches like a hawk.
"I smell nothing, this is stupid", Draco says stepping away from the potion.
"Come on Malfoy. Even your heart isn't that cold", Blaise teases.
I lean over the potion cautiously.
It smells like...woodsmoke. Cedric? I smell some more. It smells like broom cleaning supplies...rancid. The only person i can think that uses them is Harry. And....something very distinct...a smell i would recognize anywhere...draco's fragrance. It can't be though? How can i smell three different people.
"Well?", Harry asks.
"Not a thing. I agree with Draco, this is bullshit", I say but i can tell my cheeks are glowing red.
"Lies. I can still smell mine.", Says Ron.
"Bacon, Apple pie and some sort of floral perfume. Might be my soulmate. Who knows", He says happily.
Hermione blushes.
"What kind of perfume?", I ask.
"Like...roses maybe". He says.
I laugh to myself and nudge Hermione. Ron is so stupid he doesn't even remember the Rose perfume he bought Hermione in third year for Christmas.
With no warning Snape reappears.
"All done? Great", He says without waiting for an answer.
Then he continues the boring lesson.
"It was nice while it lasted", I whisper to Harry who seems lost in thought.

That night all i can think about is that fucking potion. I think about Draco, how he smelled my perfume. Or did he? I think about me smelling Cedric, Harry and Draco. Is that even possible? Draco couldn't have possibly smelled me in the potion, he only thought he did. I probably put some of my vanilla perfume on this morning and forgot about it. That's it. Merlin, i can't believe i'm so worked up over a stupid love potion...

Dracos POV:
My bed is cold and hard but i don't care. I lie there staring at the ceiling thinking of all the possibilities. She smelled me in the potion...i know it. I wasn't even wearing any cologne today but i didn't want to let her know that. I'm trying to follow Blaise's advice and stay away but it's so fucking difficult when all i want is her. And now there's a shred of possibility that she might want me too. I look over at Blaise who is fast asleep, of course. Why does he have to be right about everything? If we were ever to be together it would ruin her. I would ruin her. Once again, i am defeated by my own thoughts. I wonder if she knows how many years i've spent lying alone here, with only the image of her beauty inside my head. Only the echo of her voice and the ghost of her touch. Does she know that i have a hundred thousand thoughts, all at once and all of her? I wish she did, because maybe then she would by some miracle tell me how to stop them. How do i make my love for you go away when it's all i know?

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