Untitled Part 27

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Y/n's POV

After Atsushi left I walked up to my home on the second level of the apartment complex. I walked into my apartment turning the lights on. I cooked and ate a bowl of instant ramen. I brushed my teeth, took my medications, and put on pajamas. I opened my bedroom window and took one of my cans of cat food and placed it on the fire escape. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and came back to find a Havana brown and a ginger British shorthair eating at the can. I slowly reached out my hand to the cats, the ginger cat hissed at me but the brown cat let me touch their head. I scratched behind their ears and they leaned into my hand. The ginger cat seeing the other cat trusting me slowly and cautiously approached. I reached my other hand out to the other cat and pet down its back and moved my way up to its head. The cat purred as I scratched beneath its chin. I climbed out of my window and moved over the cat food can to make room for myself. I sat crisscross and leaned against the wall of my apartment. The Brown cat went back to eating the food when I heard a thump. I looked up and saw another cat. A black white and tan cat landed on the railing and jumped down but didn't go for the food or interact with the other cats. The ginger cat crawled onto my lap and I scratched its stomach. The cat approached and just sat next to me and stared off into the distance. I extended my free hand to the cat and pet its head. The cat turned it attention to briefly before looking back at the night streets. I sat with cats for a half hour beforing leaving to go to bed. I closed the window and the curtains, turned on my fan, plugged my phone in and then went to sleep.

Next Morning

I awoke to the sunlight on my face. I turned off my fan. I look out my window and sitting on the fire escape was the ginger cat from last night. I opened my window and started petting the ginger cat. I let the ginger cat into my room and gave him a bowl of water. I brushed my hair and teeth. I put on my school uniform, pulled on my socks and slid on my shoes. I picked up the new empty water bowl from the ground and brought it to the kitchen sink. I threw bread into the toaster and washed the bowl and dried it before putting it in the cabinet. I buttered my toast and went back to my bedroom. I grabbed a blanket and put it out on the fire escape. I went back into my bedroom and picked up the ginger cat up off of my rug and put him on the blanket. I closed my window, I packed my bag with my painting supplies a change of clothes and grabbed my unfinished painting for Ane-san. I exited my home and locked the door and walked down to the ground level. Once I left the building I found the ginger cat waiting for me. 

"Your a persistent one aren't you" I scrathed the cats chin and picked up the cat up. The cat crawled onto my shoulders and buried its face into my neck. "Well, I guess you can join me for a while if you don't mind going for a bit of a trip." I walked to school with the ginger cat purring into my neck and pet it. "You know for being so mean when I first met you, you're very clingy." I got a meow as a response and couldn't help but laugh to myself. Once I reached school I took the ginger cat by its armpits and held it up. "I'll hopefully see you at the end of the school day."

"What are you doing?" I was startled by the person behind me. I turn around and came face to face to face with my blonde "friend". "Why are you talking to cat? Yeah your a bit of a wierdo but I didn't think cat whisperer weirdo."

"Uh, yeah he showed at my window and he's kinda just been showing up, and its not weird people talk to their pets all the time."

"sure,sure whatever you say. I'll see you in class." She pushed up her glasses and left me. 

"Forget about her she's just like that, more of a dog person if you know what I mean." I placed the cat on the ledge. I walked into school and dropped my painting off into Mrs. Saekos room, and left for class.

Me, strays, and some old dude (Fukuzawa x adoptive daughter reader)Where stories live. Discover now