Not an Update but news

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Hey sorry not an update for the story : P 

BUT! I do have news for a story I just released. If found writing this story for me has become slightly challenging. So, I decided to broaden my horizons a bit. If you like genshin and enjoy Kaeya and Dilucs characters then maybe give the first chapter of the blue-haired boy a try.

It's an au where Crepus is Bruce Wayne/ Batman and fights crime with his biological son Diluc as any robin depending on how you interpret it. Kaeya is from Khanriah a recently destroyed nation. While coping with his nation's fall, he also deals with his imposter syndrome in his new family, the promise he made to his original father, and his feelings for his chemistry tutor.

If its something you'd be interested in please check it out and let me know what you guys think. I'll get a new chapter for here once I come up with something BYE~

Me, strays, and some old dude (Fukuzawa x adoptive daughter reader)Where stories live. Discover now