Untitled Part 54

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"Man, you were really prepared for this!" I heard Niaomi's voice from the dining room.

I pulled my only suitcase down the hall with me. "What are you talking about?'' I put the suitcase by the door. 

I heard Niamo gush about something to her brother, "I've only seen idles wear this brand!"

I then heard Junichiro, "Niaomi you shouldn't touch that it's not yours," I turned the corner to see what the two were so  bothered over.




'this can't be happening,' I thought to myself, 'this can't be fucking happening!'

The entire table, which was left untouched for a year, now had boxes upon boxes stacked on top of them. The one front and center stood out to me and looked the most familiar. I grabbed the box and opened the lid. On top of white wrapping laid a card. 

It said "Lolita". 'what does that even mean?' I opened the card and read its content.

"To my muse,

I understand that we had a bit of a conflict of interests the last time we saw each other. I understand your connections with the Armed Detective Agency and others will cloud your judgment. Elise eagerly awaits your arrival for when it comes, and so do I, My sweet Lolita. I hope you were the dress I got you and the pearls the next time we meet. I hope it's not far and I hope you look as beautiful as you do in my memory.

~Mr. Mori"

My hands were shaking, my knees feel weak. My head hurts, it feels light. My stomach, it feels like it's in my throat. Where is the bathroom? It's too far I just need to find a garbage. *Gag* Where is a fucking- 

"Y/n is everything alright-"

I turned around and threw up into the sink. The acid burned my throat. My eyes dripped tears. My breakfast exited my body. My hands gripped the metal bowl. My lungs gasped for air. 

"Oh my god are you okay!?!" Naomi was at my side while Junichiro was behind her.

"I'm fine *gasp I'm- fine I just- *gag*" I vomited more. 

It's a shame that such beautiful clothes were connected to such an ugly situation.

Junichiro offered to take my suitcase while we walked back to the agency. I gave it to him and we walked in silence. The office seemed lively as we seemed to miss Atsushi rescuing Kyouka and being kidnapped after, and then jumping off a cargo ship. Mr. Kunikida also seemed to save Atsushi when he was a little in over his head. I lied down on the couch of Mr. Fukuzawas and Ranpo's home, the letter was in my pocket. I was completely repulsed by the thing, yet I didn't throw it out. Maybe it was because I still had unanswered questions, or maybe because I was trying to find a rhyme or reason for all this. Mr. Fukuzawa was in the kitchen only separated by the living room via a countertop and table. "You can turn on the Tv if you want." I got up from the couch and instead sat at the counter. 

"I'm good for now, hey Mr. Fukuzawa what does lolita mean?" The man turned away from his cooking to look at me. His face held confusion and slight surprise at the unprompted question.

He turned back to his cooking, "Well, generally in Japan it's mostly just means cuteness or modesty. However, it sometimes has an underlying meaning depending on the situation its used in."

I pulled the letter out of my pocket, I unfolded it, and looked at it once more. Mr. Fukuzawa turned to me once more, I handed him the letter. "What do you think the underlying meaning of it is in this context?"  

After reading it he started to mumble something, I didn't catch much but I heard, "as expected of Mori." 

'Wait a minute..' "Mr. Fukuzawa do you know...Mr. Ougai?" 

"I did a long time, when I was still finding myself." He took the pan he was cooking with and moved it of the flame. He then lit the letter on fire and then put it in the empty sink. "But lets put that man behind us."

"Okay, your right." I smiled at him. He then placed a bowl of noodles down in front of me. He then sat down next to me. "What's this?"

"Soba stir fry." We said our prayers but before I started to dig in Mr. Fukuzawa had one last thing to say. "This is a new beginning for you, and me. So let's try to  put all that happened behind us." He rose his chopsticks up to mine. "To new beginnings?"

I hit mine with his, "to new beginnings."

The end (For now)

Bonus clip:

Y/n: "Hey are you gonna put that fire out?" 

Fukuzawa: "Later, let's finish eating."

Y/n: "ok"

Fukuzawa: "I made lunch so you have to do dishes."

Y/n: "But the sinks on fire...."

Fukuzawa: "Your being dramatic, something in it is on fire."

Hey I know I said the end at the end of the chapter but I'm continuing the book. Consider this more so the end of an arc Thanks for sticking around and I'll see you guys next chapter. And while your here I'm promoting my new genshin book, blue-haired boy. Ok BYE!

Me, strays, and some old dude (Fukuzawa x adoptive daughter reader)Where stories live. Discover now