Chapter 60: Re-memory

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Hiiragizawa Eriol sat in his study, head leaned back against his great oak chair. It was almost winter but he thought he could catch a whiff of spring if he closed his eyes.

<i style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;">Edward-sama! Look, the cherry blossoms are blossoming. Come back to visit next year, promise?

<i style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;"> 

A cool hand was placed on his forehead. How soothing. Eriol opened his eyes. Long strands of auburn hair tumbled down and twinkling marigold eyes stared into his eyes. "Kaho."

"What are you thinking of, Eriol?" asked Mizuki Kaho, brushing away a lock of blue-black hair from Eriol's smooth forehead.

Slowly, Eriol reached over to find his glasses on the table. "Of olden days."

"You've been doing that more often recently, haven't you?" Kaho leaned against the table, running her hand over the feathered quill perched on the stand. With antiquated artifacts and imported Italian oak furniture, the study looked like a window into the last century. "It's a sign that winter's coming."

"Perhaps." Eriol put on his glasses.

Sensing that Eriol was not in a talkative mood today, Kaho remarked, "Aunt Miara is going shopping with me and wants to know if you want a winter coat in black or navy blue."

"Either one's fine," said Eriol. He strummed his fingers on his armrest.

"You're not really enjoying the situation anymore, are you?" Kaho sighed. "You were always better at playing the villain than the ally."

"The enemies that Sakura will face in the future are not there to amuse themselves," replied Eriol grimly. "They are out there to win at any measure."

"You don't truly think that Syaoran has gone over to the other side?" said Kaho.

"He's a Li, though." Eriol frowned. His cute little relative had the accursed Li trait of pigheaded obstinacy and single-mindedness.

"He's not Shulin-sama, though," Kaho said.

"Why are you bringing her up?" asked Eriol with a tight smile.

Kaho replied, "Clow Reed never forgave either his parents, did he?"

"He stopped thinking about them a long time ago," said Eriol.

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