Chiharu and Takashi Special Story: Sincerity

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Chiharu and Takashi Special Story: Sincerity

“Stop telling lies, Takashi-kun!” Chiharu scolded.

“Hmm, did I tell you about…” Takashi began with an important air.

Immediately, Chiharu began throttling him.

Yamazaki Takashi…

It’s always been this way. Or at least for ten years. I’m always making up stories, putting on a blank, smiling, indifferent face. Funny how it is easier to make people believe in lies than the truth. My personality annoys Chiharu immensely, but that can’t be helped. Ten thousand times she tells me that I’m so unsympathetic and that she hates me.

When I look at her, I smile. She’s so loud-mouthed, frank, self-assured, hates lying, stubborn, and extremely straightforward. Yet these points about her makes me like her all the more.

Strange. In my heart, I like her better than anyone else. Well, we’ve been best friends since kindergarten, when we were five. 

Mihara Chiharu…

Like any other girl, I dream of Prince Charming who is serious, handsome, mysterious, and gallant. Takashi seems like the opposite from this.

True, he has so many qualities I dislike. He always makes up stories, lies, and never is serious about anything. There, he always smiles at me with that skin-deep calm expression, never wavering or showing me any true emotions.

Still, I’ve always liked Takashi better than any other boy and considered our friendship above anything else. Yet, it seems like he doesn’t feel the same about me.

Often, I feel confused because I like him, yet he doesn’t seem to want to return those feelings to me. I once gave him a teddy bear. I expected him to call it ‘Chiharu’ after me, to make our love come true, as the tradition was. Instead, he called it Suama, after his favorite dessert, with that ever constant smiling face.

Of course we are supposed to be ‘going out.’ Back when we were children he ‘proposed’ to me and asked me to go out with him. But that was only childish jokes and playing. Now, we are teens and it’s different. I don’t know what he considers me as. Will I always be a childhood playmate to him?

Till this day, I don’t know what first drew me to him, ten years ago. Maybe it is because back then, he showed his true self to me, without that superficial mask. And I still know that side of him exists, only that he is hiding it. 



Ten years ago, Tomoeda Pre-school… 

Five year old Yamazaki Takashi sat cowering in the corner of the playroom, his knees tucked to his chest, trembling.

“Takashi-kun is a liar!” once boy stated. “You don’t have a mom.”

Looking up nut brown eyes brimming with tears, Takashi retorted, “I do have a mom! She’s very bwootiful(beautiful) and she’s an actress.”

“If you have a mom, then why doesn’t she come pick you up after pre-school is over? Why doesn’t she take you to school?” demanded another little boy.

Takashi stared back, trembling.

“See, you’re lying,” a little girl concluded. “My mom said don’t play with you at school. She says that you’re family is not a good influence on us. And she says don’t ‘ssociate with liars like you.”

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