Chapter 4: The Camping Trip (1of2)

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Part 1: Around the Campfire

Around the campfire,

The hour will strike,

When you discover your heart’s desire.

Will you admit truthfully to the one you like?

Or will you turn back with a wistful smile

And wait for another little while…




“Sakura-chan, Tomoyo-chan, did you hear about the autumn field trip? I’m so excited! Since we are in junior high now, we get to go on the camping trip to the mountains!” Yanagisawa Naoko exclaimed, clasping her hands. “Wouldn’t it be so spooky in the night time?”

Kinomoto Sakura grimaced wiped the sweat drop from her brows. Her older brother Touya still teased her for being scared of ghosts. A bad thing about her brother regaining his powers was that he had the power to communicate with spirits, and he teased her relentlessly about it. One would expect that he would be more mature, since Tsukishiro Yukito and he entered college. But no. Her brother still teased her recklessly. After all, he was Touya.

She didn’t know exactly how much Touya remembered about the Clow Card business. Though Yukito showed no sign of remembering it, she knew that her brother still had some knowledge. Not that he showed it. Was it time that Yue should awaken once more? No, Yukito-san was finally relaxing now that he forgot his true identity. I thought that all my troubles ended with Eriol-kun, but that’s not true. She sighed. It’s not an easy thing being a Sakura Card Mistress. Staring pensively out the window from her seat, she did not feel any joy from the news of the field trip.

Just then the class room door burst open. In came Li Meilin, panting and dragging Syaoran with her. “Made it just in time!”

“Good morning Meilin-chan, Li-kun,” called out her classmates.

“Good morning!” Meilin said. “Syaoran overslept again!”

“Did not! You were the one who took so long getting dressed!” retorted Syaoran.

Tomoyo and Sakura laughed. Then Sakura exclaimed, “Oh yes, Li-kun, this is your sweater. I washed it since it got wet last time. Sorry I forgot to give it back for several weeks…” Actually, Touya had been suspicious of it and stole it. Luckily, Sakura snuck it back when Touya was out. He would have donated it to the charity or burnt it if she hadn’t. “Thank you, Li-kun.”

“Eh?” When Sakura handed back the neatly folded green sweater, he said, “Oh! I totally forgot about it.” Syaoran sweat-dropped when Meilin narrowed her eyes. Luckily, this sweater was one that he bought himself. Somehow, he had bad luck concerning lending clothes to Sakura, since Meilin always showed up at the most inconvenient times. It didn’t help that Meilin’s first meeting with Sakura was when she was at his house and wore the red t-shirt that she had bought him. Out of all the shirts that he had, Wei had to give her that one. What a life.

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