Chapter 47: Shredded Fantasy

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Tanaka Miara, age 38, widow and mother of two, lay tossing and turning in her hospital bed in a private suite off in a secluded and quiet wing of the Kinhoshi Hospital. It was in the middle of the night and her fever was running high again and a raspy cough came from her lungs. For the past several days, she had been unable to write or read and her fourteen-year-old daughter didn’t visit anymore. Most of the time, she was either delirious or asleep, so it didn’t matter, especially since she had spent the past five or six years in such a manner. She fell into another fit of coughing, too weak to press the button to call a night shift nurse to her assistance.

Then, she felt something stir by the curtains and wind swept in from the opened window. She peered through the darkness unsuccessfully since it was a moonless light and her own vision was blurred because of her teary eyes. Yet, there definitely was someone standing by the window side.

“Mikai, is that you Mikai?” Miara finally whispered. There was no answer and the only sound was that of her harsh breathing.   

“I know it’s you, Tanaka Mikai. Answer me,” she commanded.

Again there was no answer and this time, the figure slipped out of the window and disappeared completely. The only sign of anyone having entered was the flapping of the curtains in the night breeze. Miara sank back down in her bed, sweat-soaked, and wondering how delirious she really was. Eventually, she fell into deep, dreamless sleep.


It was hard for Sakura to go to school Monday morning, for she found that her bruises from yesterday had swollen more overnight, and every movement made her wince in pain. Thank goodness Eron and Erika were both missing from school that day, then for she didn’t have to put on a show of avoiding Eron the entire day; she knew she really couldn’t face him again. And she didn’t want anyone asking awkward questions. Even luckier, Syaoran seemed to be missing again also.

“How strange,” Sakura commented, as the students sat in class and she peered back at the empty seat behind her. “Kaitou-kun has a higher attendance rate than Syaoran these days.”

“All Meilin’s influence,” Kai said, grinning.

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