Chapter 49.9: The Turning of the Wheels ( New Trials New Year's Eve Special)

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Christmas Evening…

It was tradition for the Daidouji household to host an annual Christmas party and somehow, year after year, the guest list seemed to expand. As daughter of the president of the Daidouji Corporation, Daidouji Tomoyo was kept busy greeting each guest as they walked through the front door—she hadn’t had much time to return home and change into her party dress after the hectic day at the amusement park. The previous night, she and Eriol had been crowned Snow King and Queen at the Winter Wonderland ball. Nobody had been more surprised than herself—and their prize had been ten tickets to the amusement park for Christmas day. Though the groups of ten arrived together, they soon dispersed and somehow, the day had passed by in a flurry with the twins going off on their own, then Kai, Meilin, Miho and Aki squabbling and heading off in another direction. Then, Sakura and Syaoran disappeared also—somehow Tomoyo suspected that the two were up to some sort of an ill-concealed conspiracy. Thus, Tomoyo ended up spending most of the day with Eriol—she didn’t even get a chance to videotape Sakura. She thought Eriol didn’t mind spending the day with her. But you never knew what Eriol was truly thinking. 

Once she could escape from the conversation of the wife of one of Daidouji Co.’s business partners, Tomoyo looked around at the people milling around the dining room and made her way out to the front parlor. Sakura was nowhere to be seen—through the front window, Tomoyo glimpsed Sakura waiting outside in the cold. Waiting for Syaoran to return. Sakura had lost the pretty watch that Syaoran had given her for Christmas, and Syaoran had gone to look for it. If there was anyone who cared for and treasured Sakura as much as Tomoyo did, it was Syaoran.

“Don’t worry, he’ll come back, with the watch,” Eriol remarked.

Tomoyo turned around. Whilst all the other guests were mingling, Eriol stood distant, watching the crowds. Like herself. “Is that a premonition or just reassurance for me?” she asked tentatively. She had felt guilty for dragging Sakura back when clearly Sakura had wanted to stay and look with Syaoran. But if Sakura’s brother found out that Sakura had been left behind in the amusement park with Syaoran, he would have thrown a fit that even Yukito wouldn’t be able to qualm.

“Neither—it’s a logical conclusion drawn from knowing Syaoran’s character, his tenacity.” Eriol smiled.

“He is very determined. And he will never want to disappoint Sakura-chan,” said Tomoyo wistfully. “That’s why he’s the best person for her.”

“Do I hear a hint of envy?”

“Not of him… No… Of their relationship,” Tomoyo corrected, trying to redeem herself in Eriol’s penetrating eyes.

He nodded knowingly, and walked over to the piano, pressing a key. “Should I play you something?” he asked.

“Yes please,” Tomoyo said, surprised at the offer. They had already sung carols with Eriol accompanying them earlier that evening. Eriol’s wide knowledge of Christmas songs had surprised her—one couldn’t exactly picture Eriol playingRudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer, but he strummed out the tune jolly and merry as if he actually enjoyed Christmas.

“What should I play, Tomoyo-san?” asked Eriol.

“Anything you want,” she replied.

Miho, who had sauntered over from the buffet table remarked, in the midst of gobbling up a chicken leg, “Eriol never, ever asks anyone their request tune!”

“That’s because you take him for granted, like he’s some sort of jukebox,” Nakuru stated, sipping on the eggnog cocktail.

“I don’t take him for granted—“ Miho stopped because Eriol had begun to play the piano before a full-fledged Miho versus Nakuru cat fight could ensue.

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