Chapter 27 : Galloping Through Thundercloud

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“WE’RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!” Sakura shouted, as Syaoran and she ran out of the apartment complex the next morning. After hearing Moonstone, the bunny stuffed animal’s warning, they had decided to live together for the time being, since Sakura’s brother and father were both away, and they knew that it would be best to stay together, in case of an attack. That wasn't important though... Being late for school for several consecutive days was a major problem. 

Later on that day, after school, Sakura asked, “Don’t you get tired of running a marathon to school everyday?”

“Eh? Of course I do!” Syaoran replied.

“Right?!” Sakura smiled, grabbing his arms and dragging him to the bus stop. “I have a great idea!”

“Wait, where are you taking me?” Syaoran protested. 

“What are these?” Syaoran asked suspiciously as they returned home, peering into the shopping bag.

Clapping her hands together, Sakura exclaimed, “The perfect solution to solve running and being late to school every day is…”

Taking out the shiny metallic black with dark teal green trimmings, he stated, “Rollerblades? That’s stupid.”

Crestfallen, Sakura replied, “Well, I used to go to school everyday in rollerblades, and I always made it just on time… I thought rollerblading to school might be better and faster than running… Won’t you just try it? For me?” Sakura looked up appealingly with round emerald eyes.

Turning red, Syaoran consented, “Oh, fine.”

“Really! You won’t regret it, Syaoran-kun!” 

Well, the truth turned out to be that Syaoran did not think rollerblading was stupid. Actually… 


“Oh my gosh, are you all right, Syaoran-kun?” Gracefully, Sakura rollerbladed over to Syaoran, who had crashed right into the lamp post in their neighborhood. “You should have told me that you didn’t know how to rollerblade.”

Embarrassed, Syaoran muttered, “Well, I can’t help it… Rollerblading is not one of the Li clan training skills.”

“Here, take my hand, and we’ll do it step by step. There, glide smoothly like this.” Sakura took Syaoran’s hand and helped him balance. Slowly, they got the rhythm of it. “You’re doing great!” Sakura exclaimed as they made a trip safely around the block. His ears turned red, and he tripped over, landing on the sidewalk. Painfully, he tried to stand up, instead flipping right over because of the wheels. Still, Sakura had to stifle laughter.

“It’s not a laughing matter!” Syaoran grumbled.


By the next morning, both Sakura and Syaoran smoothly rollerbladed off to school.

“Hey, I think you got the hang of it!” Sakura called, out, her skirt and hair blowing back from the spring breeze. “Oh no! Watch out for the slope!”

“Wha—AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Syaoran crashed down at the bottom of the sloped hill.

“Oh no!” Sakura slapped her forehead in dismay. 

“Li-kun, what happened to your head?” Takashi asked during class.

“Don’t ask about it,” Syaoran muttered.

“Oooh, that must hurt so much,” Erika clucked. “It’s okay, the bandage makes you look even more handsome!”

“I’m so sorry, Syaoran-kun,” Sakura said, sweat-dropping.

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