Chapter 38: Identity Crisis

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Chapter 38: Identity Crisis


Daidouji Tomoyo… Poor thing… Uncared for, unloved, and ignored. All because of Kinomoto Sakura. It’s all her fault. Your so-called best friend. What did she ever do for you, after all you did for her?

 The Phantom said.

“I’m sorry Phantom-san, but you’re mistaken about something,” Tomoyo replied out loud. Only Tomoyo would be so polite to a dark force. Though she could not see the Phantom, having no special powers, she could still hear its haunting voice. “Sakura is my best friend.”

Come, pretty one. Surrender your soul to me, and you need no longer have any worries,

 the Phantom coaxed.

“I’m sorry but please leave me alone,” Tomoyo said, keeping her voice level.

Stubborn one, aren’t you… Different that you look. In fact, much stronger than your father though you’re only a girl. I had less trouble controlling him. Yet, I breed on human’s darkest secrets and deepest fears. And I will be able to control your mind and body.

Tilting her chin up, Tomoyo said in a firm tone, “What do you think I am? I will never betray anyone, let alone Sakura. I’m sorry Phantom-san, but I have to finish making the costumes for Star-Crossed.”

I admire the strength and morality in your character. However, the stronger you are, the more fun it is to break you. It’s a pity you have such a compassionate, kind heart. Should I have it frozen into a cold, emotionless crystal?

Nervously, Tomoyo swerved around to see a long arrow dart her way. No sound came from her mouth as it pierced through her heart, and she felt a chill sensation creep from inside out.


“Sakura must be hurt and much subdued, having her best friend betray her,” Eron commenting, toying with his crystal wine glass. It was one of his hobbies: collecting clear, crystal objects. Icy and translucent, beautiful to gaze upon, but cold as a glacier.

“I don’t know. She’s been putting up with it better than I expected,” Erika said. “Boring. I would have liked to have seen Tomoyo and Sakura’s confrontation. They’re such a goody-goody twosome, that I would like to see them fight for once.” She flopped onto the velvet covered couch. “So, what do you think about your name being connected with Sakura’s? Gossip says that she dumped you. Ha ha! Imagine, the great Chang Eron being dumped by a girl. A stupid little Card Mistress.”

Narrowing his golden hazel eyes, Eron glared at Erika.

“Okay, okay, don’t glare at me like that. I’m sorry.” Laughing, Erika gently took the glass out of Eron’s hand and placed it back into the cabinet. Her twin had a nasty habit of breaking things. “Just in case you break it. That one’s expensive. Now, don’t glare at me like that, onii-chan. I know you would never be as senseless enough to go out with a girl like Sakura, let alone let her dump you.”

Thoughtfully, Eron sat up on the couch. “What if I do go out with her?” 

“That would be very nice. Very interesting… Wait a minute. What did you say?” Erika bolted up in her seat.

“What if I do go out with Kinomoto Sakura?” Eron replied, calmly.

“Ha ha… Good joke. I thought you were serious for a second.” Laughing, Erika sank back down on the couch.

“I am serious,” Eron answered, not looking directly at his twin sister.

Without bothering to reply, Erika stared at her twin with hard golden eyes.

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