Chapter 2: The Mysterious Past

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"You made a new card?" exclaimed Kero-chan-chan, also known as the Great Sun Guardian Cerberus, leaping up.

"Yes. There is a new source of power," replied Kinomoto Sakura, his teenage Card Mistress.

"I'm so stupid. I, Cererus, didn't notice the powers before you and that Li kid. You say he's back again?"

"Uh-huh." Sakura flopped on her bed. What a tiring day it had been. She shook her head in disbelief as she thought about the fast paced action that had happened in the last few hours. She fingered the bandage on her hand. Best of all, he was back.

Kero-chan-chan eyed her carefully. "What happened to your hand?"

"Hmmm? That spirit thing hurt it."

"Where is the card?"

"The Knife? Syaoran has it. He pinned it down."

"Humph. You let that kid have it?"

"He saved my life. Besides, he offered it to me and I refused it."

"That was stupid. I could have examined it. And you made a new spell?"


Kero-chan folded his arms in his thinking position and stated, "I must find more information about this."

Sakura soon fell fast asleep, dreaming of fighting ghosts in the rain with Syaoran, and someone with long black pigtails-Li Meilin! Tomoyo was videotaping them.

Sakura jumped around with her outfit with laces and bows.

Suddenly, a smooth, menacing voice whispered in her ear, "You are mine, Cherry Blossom."


Li Syaoran frowned as he looked through the few magic books that he had brought from Hong Kong. No information what so ever leading to any clue about the attack last night. He will have to look through his father's books when Wei brought them to Japan. Maybe I should just sleep. After all, I need to wake up early tomorrow if I want to go to school. School... he had made some friends before leaving Tomoeda. Would there be many changes?


Sakura hummed as she brushed her hair that morning.

Kero-chan-chan sat on her bed. "Why are you in such a good mood today?"

"Oh I don't know." Sakura smiled her usual smile. Kero-chan sighed as her hovered over Sakura's head. Still, this was the normal Sakura that he had known before.

She was wearing her green ribbon, which set off her sparkling emerald eyes. Continuing to smile, she stomped downstairs, "G'morning, onii-chan!"

"Morning kaijou!" Kinomoto Touya slightly chuckled.

This was the little ogre he knew.

"I'm not an ogre!" she called out in her belting voice.


Sasaki Rika came rushing into the Seijou Junior High homeroom class 2-1. "Hey you guys, did you hear that Li-kun returned?"

All the people who had known him from elementary days gathered around her.

"Really? You mean Li Syaoran from Hong Kong? Did you see him?"

Rika gasped, "I only saw his back. His hair colored seemed the same..."

They all sighed in exasperation. Of course the hair color was the same unless he dyed it a funky color.

"Sakura-chan and Tomoyo-chan. You two don't seem that surprised."

Cardcaptor Sakura: The New Trials (Wish-luv)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora