Li Clan Hierarchy: Version Two

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(WARNING: Arc Four Spoilers! )

Well, as promised, this is the second, detailed guide to the Li Clan Hierarchy now that the Fourth Arc of New Trials is unfolding. It's mostly for my own benefit since I began to get confused with all the different Li's and the structure of the Clan.

Members of the Li Clan

Principal Characters:

Li Syaoran: The former Chosen One of the the Li Clan, currently on probation

Li Jinyu: The Li Clan Protector; Head of the Hong Kong mafia, called "Black Dragon," member of Inner Council, Guard of the Elders

Li Leiyun: Syaoran's cousin, seven years senior, Li Wutai's son; originally contender to become Chosen One because Syaoran was too young; member of Inner Council before his disappearnce seven years ago

Li Meilin: Syaoran's cousin, former "fiancée"

Li Ryuuren: Former Chosen One, Syaoran's father, deceased

Inner Council Members (Following listed in order of relative heirarchy):

Li Renshu: The Great Elder, Syaoran's great-uncle; currently failing in health

Li Wutai : The Head of the General Council, Syaoran's uncle, Ryuuren's oldest brother; next in line to become the Great Elder after Renshu

Li Yunhua: Renshu's wife, member of Council of Elders, deceased

Li Daifu (black jade): CEO of Li Corporation, member of Council of Elders

Li Fenjian: A member of the Inner Council and the Council of Elders

Li Ganliu: A member of the Inner Coucil; best healer in the Clan, Director of the Li Hospital

Li Ielan: Member of the Inner Council; Syaoran's mother

Li Jingmei: Syaoran's cousin; studied herblore and healing; currently doctor at the Hong Kong Li Hospital, Fanren's best friend

General Council Members:

Li Fuutie: Syaoran's sister

Li Fanren: Syaoran's sister

Li Shiefa: Syaoran's sister

Li Feimei: Syaoran's sister

Li Linglin: Meilin's mother

The Legacy Arc Characters:

Li Shulin: The Chosen One and one of the Great Five; married Lord Landon Reed and mother of E. C. Reed, later to be known as the great sorceror Clow Reed. After leaving England, returned to supervise the Clan's move from Shanghai to their new headquarters in Hong Kong; became the most famous and venerated Great Elder of the Li Clan

Li Shenji: The Clan Protector, cousin and best friend of Shulin, four years senior; golden pair with Shulin back in the most prosperous days of the Li Clan;

Li Yinlin: Shulin's least favorite female cousin

Structure and Background of the Li Clan

The Great Elder, Head of the Li Clan: (Li Renshu): He is the most powerful, wisest, and oldest member of the Li Clan and therefore the most respected and revered. The Great Elder is the Head of the Li Council of Magic and the Council of Elders. Being the representative leader of the Clan, the Great Elder names the Chosen One.

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