Chapter 16: Running Out of Time

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The beginning of the long waited New York adventure... One day before the airplane flight at Meirin's house (MY HOUSE! ... says Syaoran) with Erika, Sakura, and Meirin... 

"Seriously, Tomoyo, you are absolutely amazing. I can't believe you planned out our entire wardrobe." Meirin swerved around in her new outfit, complete to the preppy red coat.

Sakura, Tomoyo, and Erika were visiting Meirin's house that day. Satisfied, Tomoyo plopped down onto Meirin's bed. "You see, the first impression we make after we get off the airplane is most important. (*star eyed*) That's why I stayed up all night making final touches on the outfits. I can't believe you insisted on a short skirt, Erika-chan. In this weather. But, I'm really satisfied with how everyone's outfit turned out, and I finalized what everyone's packing. Too bad I couldn't arrange your brother's airport outfit, too, Sakura-chan." Her eyes were starry.

"But Tomoyo-chan, I thought you will be shopping in New York," Sakura commented, browsing through Meirin's bulging suitcase. Hoe... Is Meirin really planning to take 10 pairs of shoes? We're only staying for a week...

"Oh ho ho! Of course! But that doesn't mean that I won't be prepared, as well!" Tomoyo analyzed Meirin's outfit critically. "Good thing your outfit's the last one to finalize. I need to adjust the sleeves a little."

"Oh guess what? Did you see at your Christmas gathering? Erika was going nuts over Sakura's brother! Won't it be so funny?" Meirin laughed.

"Hey!" Erika pushed Meirin off the bed and flipped back her glossy hair fastened by two red ribbons.

"It reminded me of Akizuki Nakuru-san. She was onii-chan's classmate several years ago," Sakura added.

"Who is this person? She has a good taste," Erika asked.

"Oh yeah, this is the schedule for the week in New York." Tomoyo handed over a booklet packet to each person.

"OHMYGOSH!!!!!" Meirin shrieked as she scanned over the contents. "We're staying in the Plaza Hotel? First class airplane tickets! And look at this schedule! Fancy dinner receptions, parties, Broadway tickets, CompTech tour, New York guidance in a limousine...I really can't believe we're leaving tomorrow!" 

"WILL YOU GIRLS PLEASE BE QUIET? I'M TRYING TO DO SOMETHING HERE!" Syaoran called from the living room.

"Oh yeah! Syaoran-kun lives here too!" Sakura exclaimed. "Why is he so touchy?"

Meirin laughed. "You'll see."


Meirin's flashback...

Ring ring!

"Hello?" Syaoran got the phone. "Wha—Mother? How are you doing? Fine, thank you... Did you have a nice Christmas? Yes. Meirin's fine... Yes, I'll be going to New York during Winter Break. Yes. A friend won the prize. WHAT? Mother, please. I'm sorry I used so much money. You know... for Christmas... I'll pay back the credit card bills, just don't—Mother? Mother?" Syaoran turned super deformed, pacing up and down the room, sweat dropping.

From the other side of the phone, Li Fanren picked it up and shouted enthusiastically, "Merry Christmas, little bro! So what's up? Ha ha, someone's in trouble! But mother would have made you do it, even if you passed the credit card limit."

"Sister, please let me talk to Mother! I have no intention of— Hello? Hello?" Syaoran slammed the receiver down, his face turning ghastly. "Great! So much for my vacation!"

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