Chapter 1:The New Beginning

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Approximately two years later in Hong Kong...

Just a little further– dodge with the ball-- kick into the goal. Goal in! Everybody cheered. Li Syaoran wiped the sweat off his forehead and nodded at his teammates who shouted, "Good job, Syaoran!" His endless training to be docile and quick in strategy was not wasted in soccer.

Still, during his spare time, Syaoran practiced with his sword and developed new magic skills. He studied ancient books and scrolls in many languages and learned the history  behind magic and fighting. His skills definitely had grown stronger and more refined. He had to practice because he knew there would be yet another trial awaiting him.

The night before he left Japan, he had a dream, a prophecy. Silhouetted by a full moon, a boy and a girl his own age stood before him on a cliff. With a menacing, smooth voice, the boy said, "We'll get you, Little Wolf. You and that pretty Cherry Blossom."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait and see."

Suddenly, he was pushed off the cliff, falling and falling. He caught a glimpse someone with emerald eyes, shouting, " No, Syaoran! Don't leave me!"

He had bolted up from his bed, sweating heavily. He vowed that he would come back someday. When the time came.

"Earth to it, Syaoran. Your teammates are over there, on the other side of the field," saidoneof his friends on the other team.

Emerging from his daydreams, he ran across the field. What am I doing on this team? Oh, well. He was going to take all the opportunities in Hong Kong he could to be the greatest help he can in Japan.

A group of chattering girls in the corner watched him with admiration.

"Oooooooh! Isn't Syaoran soooo cool?"

"I know! He's so cute! He's the best looking guy in junior high!"

"Yeah, and he's good at everything. PE, school work, music, and even art!"

"Right! Did you see that beautiful painting he did? Our art teacher was so proud of it."

"I think the girl in the painting kind of looked like me."

"Are you stupid? You have brown eyes and the girl in the painting had green."

"Well, I think the girl smiled like me."

"No. You know what I think? I think that girl is the girl that he likes. And it's definitely not someone in Hong Kong. No one looks like her. The smile, the eyes, the grace."

"Maybe it's his girlfriend in Japan. Didn't he live in Japan for a few years?"

"Yeah. I bet he was nice to her. You know, he's kind of distant and has a cool manner to everyone. Even to Meilin. He's so curt to all the girls here."

"But he's still cute, even when he glares!"

All the girls giggled.

Syaoran scowled. He could tell that those silly girls were talking about him, and he overheard some of the remarks. That painting. He really didn't mean to draw it, but then the art teacher said to portray something that captured beauty. His mind seemed taken over and when he finished, he found that he had drawn a girl with sparkling emerald eyes, a serene smile and light brown hair tinted with gold. She was surrounded by cherry blossom petals, looking like an angel. Syaoran sighed. At first, he didn't realize that it looked like her , because of the long hair and a less " genki " atmosphere, yet, he realized that he had painted Kinomoto Sakura.

"Watch out Syaoran!"

Bang! Syaoran sprawled on the ground, after the soccer ball hit him on the head. A teammate came up to him and said, "You know, even if you are the best at soccer, your mind wanders quite often. I will like to know what you think about."

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