Chapter 3: Of Ghost, Statues and Quarrels

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"Hoe... Tomoyo-chan... Do I have to dress up like this?"

Kinomoto Sakura turned around once, trying to examine her costume. It was another one of Tomoyo's superb creations.

The dress was dark rose pink with red trimming. Over it was the same color cloak, with a hood, tied on with a red ribbon. At least the bow was not so big as usual.

"See, it's too stormy to have a big ribbon. And the cloak is made out of waterproof material, and you can protect your head with the hood. The color matches with your staff. Look, even Kero-chan-chan has a matching cloak.

"Ohhh! I'm so glad that I can do so many hairstyles on

you now!" squealed Daidouji Tomoyo.

Sakura sighed as Tomoyo tied red ribbons around the pigtails at each side of her head.

Tomoyo was simply ecstatic with joy to be able to plan the wardrobe, do her hair, and videotape her beloved Sakura once more.

"Is it here?" Tomoyo asked as they trudged through the rain.


A streak of lightening etched through the black sky.

"Hoe-e! It's weather fit for ghosts!"

"Be brave, Card Captor Sakura! You are the only one who can save the world from destruction!" Tomoyo sighed wistfully. "I wish the storms not so bad. It's hard to focus on you since it's so blurry."

"At least you have an umbrella," Kero-chan said.

Then a long, echoing wail was heard in the wind with an, Oooooooooooooooooo.

"D-did you hear that? A g-ghost!" Sakura screeched.

"No it's not. It's just the wind." Tomoyo assured.

"Hoe-e!" wailed Sakura.

Suddenly, two figures emerged from the darkness.

Sakura screamed, "Ahhhhh!" She hid behind Tomoyo.

A girl also screamed. She clung on to another figure and said, "Syaoran! Save me!"

"Sakura-chan. It's only Li-kun and Meilin-chan. See?" Tomoyo comforted.

"Hoe?" Sakura laughed sheepishly.

Li Meilin walked up to her and said, "What are you doing here? Syaoran's going to take the new card."

Kero-chan said, "He can't even make one. Sakura's the only one who can make new cards. She's the Sakura Card Mistress."

Another glaring contest started. Just then, the rain started to pelt down harder and the

thunder rumbled in unison. The girls shrieked.

"Syaorannn! It's so cold," Meilin whined, shuddering as the rain splattered onto her bare legs.

"I told you not to come. And I told you not to wear that costume," Syaoran replied. Both

Syaoran and Meilin were dressed in their Chinese battle outfits.

"You're wearing yours."

"Mine's different. It's suitable and more comfortable."

Tomoyo interrupted, "Wait. I have a spare cloak."

Meilin put on the pink cloak and complained, "I look ridiculous. This cloak doesn't go with Chinese fighting costume and I don't look good in this color."

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