Chapter 68: Regeneration

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Li Syaoran stared at the front door of the Kinomoto house, wondering if it was too early to ring the doorbell—he didn't want to wake everybody. Before he had the chance to ruminate, the door swung open.

"What're you doing here so early?" asked Kinomoto Sakura. Instead of being bleary-eyed and barely out of bed as she usually would be at this time, she was fully dressed in her school uniform and held a bouquet of white lilies in her arms. Her loose golden-brown hair framed her pale face.

"We have somewhere to go, don't we?"

And Sakura's jade green eyes flickered. "You remembered."

Sometimes, Sakura thought she had dreamt up that raining night when they had talked together until dawn. It was like misunderstanding after misunderstanding had peeled away. And if there were any left, it didn't matter. But they had agreed that it was best to pretend to go on as before—as near strangers—at school because Li Leiyun was always watching. Syaoran had returned to live at his apartment, with Meilin. She had no chance to be alone with him throughout the day. Besides school, there was no opportunity to see him. But at unexpected moments like this, Sakura knew that the Li Syaoran was there for her.

As a sure sign that the long winter was coming to an end, little green fuzzes of grass sprouted like moss around the barren graveyard. Little yellow buds peeked through the dried leaves and the musty soil and black ants filed along across the slabs of stone.

"I didn't think I'll come together with you here again," said Sakura, laying the fresh bouquet of white lilies on the graveside. Sakura looked up at the somber, tall boy standing beside her. From the look on Syaoran's face, he hadn't either. He looked somber in his Seijou High School Uniform with the sky blue blazer, navy necktie and black pants, a bouquet of pale pink peonies in his arms.

"Su-chan, it's been a year since you left us. How are you doing? Sakura-nee-chan and Syaoran-nii-chan is here to see you, just like old times. Sorry for making you worry. But we're friends again. See?" She gave him a little nudge.

Syaoran's shoulders finally dropped, and he bent down and set the peonies gently down next to the lilies. Shirose Subaru had passed away a year ago at the age of seven from stage 4 brain cancer. Sakura had tried to save him with the Heal, without avail. "Su-chan, I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you as often. I was away for a while. I've made a lot of mistakes too. If you heard about them all, you'd probably get angry, so I won't tell you that."

"A lot has happened over the past year," Sakura said. "Syaoran left, but he's back now. Kai-kun and Miho-chan found their father, who everybody was dead all these years, but he actually is the great artist Shing-san. Miara-san is much better too—you met her several times at the hospital, right? Nina-chan is actually my aunt—it's a long story."

Syaoran almost smiled.

"That's right, Nina-chan wrote you a letter," said Sakura. "She wanted to come today, but she's on a trip Aunt Hisano. But I'll read it to you. Here I go.

"Dear Su-chan. This is Kinomoto Nina. I have a surprise for you. I do not live in the hospital now. I have a new family. Aunt Hisano and ojii-san. Aunt Hisano buys me lots of pretty dresses and cute toys. I will go to elementary school soon. I am very excited. I wish I can show you my new uniform. But maybe you can see it from when you are. Look for me, okay? But just in case, I also drew a picture of me. And you too."

Sakura held up a piece of paper portraying two stick figures holding hands and colored in crayons torn from a sketchbook. "I am very happy now. But I think I was happy when I was in the hospital. Because you were my friend. We will always be friends, okay? Promise. I miss you very much. Love, Nina-chan."

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