Chapter 28: My Prince Will Come

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The next morning…

“What a horrible weather to be holding a horse race!” Sakura exclaimed, trying to balance her sky blue umbrella in the turbulent wind.

“Oh dear! It will be impossible to video dear Sakura-chan in a cute new outfit in this frightful rainstorm,” Tomoyo said in despair. She had heard about the race and insisted on following.

“I hope the race is still being held,“ Syaoran said. Then he rubbed his arms; the weather definitely got colder since yesterday. “Hey, can you pass me my jacket from the bag?”

“Sure.” Sakura fumbled inside the bag where they packed away their lunches and other goodies for the day, taking out Syaoran’s dark green jacket. Their fingers brushed as she handed it to him. Jumping, Sakura dropped the jacket onto the muddy ground. Her heart beat faster as she remembered the previous night. His quiet, yet forceful voice was still ringing in her ear saying, “Is that all you ever want to be to me? Just a good friend?”

“What’s the matter with you?” Syaoran asked, scowling as he picked up his clothing from the dripping mud in disgust.

“S-sorry,” Sakura stammered. What did he mean by telling her about Li Leiyun, his cousin? Was it just an impulse drawn from the stormy weather? Or did it indicate that they were growing one step closer? Yet, he showed no sign of their conversation the previous night. Maybe guys did have a short term memory. Still, she couldn’t believe he slept through her answer. But in another way, she was relieved that he had. If he had heard her answer, then what? 

As they entered the stable before the race began, they saw a pretty young woman with golden blonde hair sobbing into someone’s shoulders. To their shock, it was Arima crying in Asuma’s arms!

In between sobs, Akagi Arima said with her voice muffled in Tamemura Asuma’s broad shoulder, “My horse, Snowy, got sick last night, because she was out in the rain too long, and she’s being taken care of at the vet now… And I can’t enter the race because, because I have no horse and…”

Stroking Arima’s soft hair, Asuma soothed, “It’s all right. You can still enter the race. You can borrow Midnight Star. You often practiced with him in the past, and he likes you. Don’t be discouraged… It’s not like you. You can still enter the race, so Arima, don’t cry.”

“I can borrow… Midnight Star?” Arima asked, swallowing a hiccup. Then she gazed intently at Asuma’s handsome tanned face. “But why would you lend me your favorite horse? Isn’t it better if I’m not in the race?”

“Arima, it doesn’t work like that. I want my rival and best friend to race against, straight and fair. That adds to the excitement and thrill of horse racing—“ Then, gazing up to the stable door, Asuma realized that a little audience had gathered to watch. He turned red. His arms dropped from around Arima.

Bolting straight up and quickly wiping off her tears on her pretty riding outfit, Arima stammered, “Ah… hi you guys… Err… The horse I was planning to race on got sick, so I was uh…”

“I offered to lend her Midnight Star, since Arima’s used to riding on him ever since we were little,” Asuma continued, adjusting his perfectly tailored riding jacket.

Everyone felt like they walked in on something private. Sighing, Sakura noted how only actresses could look beautiful when they cried. Nudging Syaoran, Sakura whispered, “I thought that they were sworn enemies or something, yesterday.”

“Seems like we were mistaken,” Syaoran answered back.

“Oh ho ho ho…” Tomoyo thought, “How sweet!”

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