Chapter 15: Hang a Shining Star

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Christmas Day...

"Get up Kaijou! It's Christmas! Open your presents!" Touya bolted into the room. "Or else, I'm gonna keep them!"

"Hoe-e?" Sakura stretched, blurry eyed. "HOEEEE! It's Christmas Day!"

"Yes, monster. I'm glad to see that you actually were patient enough to wait for your present this year."

Quickly, Sakura dressed and ran downstairs.

**** **

"Christmas Day!" Meirin bolted out of her bed, jumping up and down with excitement. She ran to the kitchen, resulting in scattering half of the things in her room.


"Hey, you scared me!" Syaoran balanced his frying pan, sizzling with hotcakes. "Well, you got up just in time for my hotcakes. The cake's baking in the oven."

Suspiciously, Meirin glanced at the red and green setting on the table, and the Christmas tree in the living room, with presents piled underneath.

After eating, Syaoran asked untying his apron, "More hot cakes? Blackberry or maple syrup?" After a while he asked flatly, "What?"

"What's with this special treatment? It's not like you," Meirin said, almost puzzled.

Grinning, Syaoran replied, "Hey, it's Christmas. It only comes once a year. Don't you like it? Here, come to the living room. Let's open the presents."

Meirin gasped at the magnificently decorated Christmas tree, almost reaching the ceiling, with snowflakes, candy canes, shiny ornaments and angels. "Wow... did you really do all this?"

"Of course! You told me that you always wanted a big Christmas tree." Syaoran stepped back critically, rubbing his chin. "There's something missing."

"It's wonderful, but—"

"We're cousins, right? It's the least we can do for each other, when we're away from our family. There's no need to spend lonely holidays." Syaoran said the last sentence bitterly, which indicated that he had such before. "C'mon. You said not to isolate myself so much."


"I know what's missing." From a pretty box, Syaoran took out a bright golden star from the tissue paper. "The Christmas tree needs a star. Here, hang it at the way top." He handed her the star.

"Syaoran..." Meirin smiled. "Thanks. You knew I was lonely away from home. You're a wonderful person!" She through her arms around Syaoran, who protested weakly. Then he helped her climb up a chair to reach the top of the green pine branches.

"There, it's complete!" Meirin exclaimed, clapping her hands. Smiling, Syaoran helped her down, admiring how the star twinkled at the top of the majestic tree. "Now, on with the presents."

Meirin's eyes turned misty as she opened the boxes and cast down her amber eyes... Syaoran, how can I stop liking you when you're like this? "Ha ha, I never knew you even knew all the customs."

"What do you take me for? Halloween and Valentine, I may pass by, but Christmas is the time for... umm..."

"Joy and celebration?" Meirin prompted.

"Y-yeah!" Syaoran nodded. "It's the time for—for peace in heart and happiness... to set aside all worries." Peace in heart and happiness... Set aside all worries...


"Why, it's the time for peace in heart and happiness, to set aside all worries!" Nadeshiko exclaimed.

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