Chapter 39: Impulse

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“Sakura looks happy again,” Eron commented, walking up to Syaoran after soccer practice. Off to the corner, they saw Sakura laughing with her friends. It was the girls’ cheerleading practice, and once again, Sakura dropped her baton onto her forehead after twirling it elegantly into the air.

“What do you care?” Syaoran said, not trusting the smooth expression on Eron’s face.

“I care. I care a lot,” Eron replied.

“You’re not playing with her, are you?” Syaoran demanded. “’Cause if you are, leave her alone.”

“What authority do you have over her?” Eron asked. “She can do as she pleases without minding you. If I want her to be my girlfriend, she can be.”

“Well, I won’t stand watching her go do you,” Syaoran replied. “I’ll never let her go to a bastard like you, as long as she doesn’t tell me, ‘I hate every part of you Syaoran, and get the hell out of my life.’”

Smiling, Eron said, “I don’t think it’ll be as easy as that. We stand on equal grounds, Li Syaoran. The only thing you hold over me is that you knew her five years ago. Yet, that may almost serve as a disadvantage for you. Yes, she may think of you as a friend. And a friend you will remain, nothing more.”

“Why are you saying all this? I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood to listen to all your stupid rivalry emotions,” Syaoran said bluntly.

“I think it would be better for you if you listen to what I have to say,” Eron replied, his golden eyes sharp. “I like Kinomoto Sakura. I plan on making her like me back. And unless you watch your back, you’ll have to let it be.”

“If its comes to that, let it be,” Syaoran replied calmly.

“Stubborn,” Eron commented. Then, holding out his hand, he asked, “Here, can you shake my hand and say, ‘Good, I wish you all the luck with Sakura. I, myself don’t have any feelings beyond friendship, and I can calmly watch Sakura become your girl.’ Can you?”

Silently furious, Syaoran stared at Eron with hard amber eyes. What was this guy’s motive? He didn’t trust Eron one bit.

“You can’t,” Eron concluded. “You can’t shake my hand because you like Sakura yourself. It’s strange, isn’t it? But this is why I see you as my main obstacle. So, I say, why don’t we have a bet? We’ll see which one of us she chooses.”

Through gritted teeth, Syaoran said, “Sakura is not a toy, to be gambled over. Don’t think you can get away with toying with her as if she were a doll you can take a fancy for, play with, then discard.”

“I never thought of her like that,” Eron replied. “My feelings for her is not that of a child throwing a tantrum. And I hope yours is not, either. So, shake my hand and call it a bet, and let us fight straight and fair. After all, it will be Sakura’s choice. If she chooses you, I’ll cleanly step away without a word. If I do, I’ll expect you to do the same. Or, if you don’t want to shake my hand, you will just have to watch me use any method to get her from you, that is, if you do plan on putting up a fight for her—If this does occur, then I won’t hide any means to make her like me.”

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